
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Fish and Wildlife Services... Our first gig

Here we are at Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge We are about three weeks into our first work camp volunteer gig.  What an experience this is going to be.  This is our campsite.  Despite the remote location we do have full hook-ups, our satellite dish gets excellent reception and the cell phone and Internet hotspot work well from our perch on the hill overlooking the headquarters compound.  There are basic things like a grocery store, gas, hardware store and a restaurant that our group frequents each Tuesday night, just 5 miles away.  20 miles out are the northern suburbs of Austin Texas and all the modern 'civilization' one could possibly want.  It's perfect, except for the pollinating Cedar trees that are wreaking havoc on about 60% of the population, including me.

The kitties are pretty happy here.  This is my precocious calico Annie sitting on a rock watching a bird behind the camper.  They are 'aloud' to roam free here, however, their roaming is very limited by us and only during certain times of day for their own safety. Coyotes, wild boars and rattlesnakes are aggressive predators here and the cats don't know any better. We let them roam free in short spurts but for the most part they are tethered on collars and 20' lines. Afterall, the saying "curiosity killed the cat" wasn't coined for no reason!

I found this opportunity on .  If you want to work for a federal park as in a Corps of Engineers, Wildlife Refuge or National Park this is the place to find and pursue volunteer opportunities.

We share RV quarters with 4 other RV volunteer hosts. 2 couples and 2 single women.  Among us are a retired middle school guidance counselor, two communications engineers, a retired events coordinator ( who was in charge if Iowa State Center in Ames for several of those years... small world) and a couple from the mountains of Washington who have done about everything related to professional hunting and fishing.  We are becoming fast friends and are spending lots of off time together socializing. There are enough mutual interests and skills to give us plenty in common.  Again, I go back to the analogy of summer camp. You are thrown together as strangers and within a few days become friends.  Some would call it a lack of options, I say it is a wonderful stroke of serendipity. This lifestyle is truly about the people you meet along the way. By the way, between all of us we have 9 cats and 2 dogs. That's right cats rule!

We are quickly learning the key to being a happy volunteer is the willingness to be flexible and stay focused on the needs of the facility. In our case we were offered a position for Champ working in the motor pool maintaining refuge vehicles and equipment, and for me working in the Visitors Center and Early Education Program.  When we arrived, the needs were quite different.  Champ will probably never touch a wrench in the motor pool but is keeping busy helping renovate a refuge house that has been unused for some time and will be living quarters for new fire crew.  I am doing one day in the Visitors Center and spending the rest of my days work on different landscaping areas and outdoor work, that I love and miss having sold the house and thus given up my yard and gardens. One day a week Champ and I work together going to the various Public Use areas and picking up litter on the trails, stocking maps and brochures and cleaning the Vault restrooms ( not nearly as bad as we thought it would be). This is not even close to what we thought we would do here, but fulfilling, none the less.  To stay focused on the big picture is key to satisfaction.  We get to live in this beautiful wild place for the next 3 months and they get our skills and elbow grease 3 days a week in return.

In just three short weeks we are becoming acclimated to the refuge and the wonder of its existence.  Winter is mild, the sun shines almost everyday and we look forward to going home to Iowa this summer, to give back to one of the parks we love and prepare for another winter at some other area doing something similar next year. I can't wait to find myself in June and look back on these three months.  Adventure, wonderment and much learning is surely in store for us . Like the Dr. Seuss book line goes...  "Oh, the places you'll go.  "

Until next time.....



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