
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Flight of the Snowbirds

Ocala, Florida - Sunny 70 Degrees

After a day and a half of rainy dreary weather, the sun started breaking through the clouds around Noon and we headed out to take another walk in the woods. This time we drove to a trail head a few miles east of here that leads to a land bridge over Interstate 75.

After hearing about the cool view from park friends who have ridden their bikes there and driving under it everyday on the way to work, it's been on my list to walk out there and see for myself. From the interstate, it looks like a bridge with a big dome shaped window in the middle. From the bridge side there are stone walls reminiscent of the old CCC projects stand about 3 feet high and wrought iron creates the look of the window and fence on the outer sides that show from the road below.

The Greenway trails that traverse Florida from East to West were originally planned as a barge canal to move goods. Environmental groups successfully blocked the project several times in the name of preserving water quality at the many springs and waterways that are home to the abundant wildlife, including the Manatees. The government persisted in its quest acquiring land along the way over the years. After years of court battles it was finally decided that the transport canal would not be build. The state took the land and developed a beautiful trail system. Many miles of trails meander across the state crossing occasionally. There are paved trails, equestrian trails, bike trails of varying difficulty and narrow foot traffic only hiking trails. They converge at I-75 were they cross over. Score a big win for the environment, waterways and wildlife!

As we hiked along the trail system, the distant hum of tires on the interstate slowly became a roar of truck traffic and yes, lots of RV traffic as we approached. At 2:00 in the afternoon the RV traffic was starting to slow. We counted northbound RV's for 5 one minute intervals and found the average to be 4 RV's per minute at that time of day. I imagine it was twice that around 10:00 this morning. Traffic was indeed decidedly heavier northbound than it was southbound.

On the way back we hopped on the more rugged foot path and took time to look at birds and enjoy the sounds of the dense forest. I still marvel at the size of the trees here. Hundreds of years old. I learned about the resurrection ferns on my bird walk last week. The dead looking vines that cover the limbs of the huge trees come to life after it rains. We were treated to evidence of their resurrection this afternoon. The ferns that looked long dead before the recent rains that just ended today, were the vibrant green of young leaves. I drank them in as we walked along the trail under the gold-green light they reflected down to us.

We are inside of two weeks till departure. Close enough to start watching the forecast at home.

Until next time...

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