
Thursday, December 2, 2021

It's Good To Be Home

It's So Good To Be Home.  I look at this oil painting my daughter and her husband painted together one evening, several years ago. It hangs on the wall in their workout room. It is often a focal point when I am doing my yoga balance work and it is in my line of vision when I am on my back doing floor work. I've seen it in their home for years but this winter, especially today, resonated deep within me. 

When my brother-in-law got the devastating diagnosis of small cell lung cancer last summer the scenario, we have always talked about moved to our foreminds. That is the scenario of what would keep us home in Iowa during the winter. Our daughter was quick to tell us that they had talked as a family and offered to make space for us in their home if we decided to stay. The summer went along, treatments were endured by Steve and other bad news came into our lives. A good friend from our RV life in Colorado also receiving a cancer diagnosis, followed by aggressive treatment. Others in our lives experiencing decline in their senior years. 

Champ sensed my angst and 5 days before our planned departure opened up the dialogue with me about staying here. As we talked it became apparent, the thought of having to stay and made me want to stay. It's hard to explain, but I believe all full timers go through this occasionally. Some push the feelings down, some come off the road for a period of time and in our case, we decided to take a break. 

We talked to Kelsy and JP, they talked with the kids, and it was decided we would stay this winter.

I found a job serving 3 nights a week in a restaurant nearby that I love to dine at. The money is good, and the crew is professional. I'm basking in the opportunity to spend time with the kids through the holiday season. We are present for things that we have missed over the past 6 years. 

Today I have a rare day alone in the house. The kids are in school, Kelsy and Jp went to work, and Champ went up to the farm to do a small project in the motorhome that is easier done when it is vacant, as it is now. 

Steve is responding well to treatments these days; John is in Colorado fighting the good fight and we are close enough we have thought semi seriously about taking a road trip out to see them when he is strong enough. Kelsy and I have a weekend trip planned to Milwaukee next weekend to take in the Van Gogh Immersive Exhibit and we were able to spend Hunter's 10th birthday celebrations with him in person instead of a video call. I have spent more time with my sister the past months than I have in the last several years combined. Many other 'firsts in several years' are on the horizon. 

We are missing some superficial things, like warm weather, the long-anticipated job with the refuge in the Keys and our planned motorcycle riding in the Smokey Mountains this fall.  But those things will be there next winter unless the oceans rise suddenly, and the Keys become the new Atlantis. I jest but the fact is none of us knows what tomorrow, let alone next winter will bring. I am starting to look at options for next winter and where we may plan to go. 

It happened this morning. I was near the end of my yoga practice. Liquid Mind blared from the JBL speaker in the corner of the room, and I was completely immersed in my practice. My mind was, well liquid, so to speak. I opened my eyes and found my line if vision cast directly on the canvas. Home is a fluid state for us, but Iowa represents home, our kids represent home. As I released a long exhale, I felt the most complete sense of calm looking at those words." It's So Good To Be Home" 

Until Next Time...

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