
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Observations Of A Rookie Snowbird

This is our first winter away from the frozen world of an Iowa winter.  It’s safe to say we are not ‘dreaming of a white Christmas’! We have however made some curious observations that likely go unnoticed by a native Texan or seasoned snowbird. I thought I would share just for fun.


  1. The Salvation Army Bell Ringers are often in shorts and can work on their winter tan while volunteering at the kettles.

  2. Thanksgiving weekend is a big camping weekend. Forget about Memorial and Labor Day weekends with their paltry 3 days. You get 4 days for Thanksgiving!  Our campground had several groups together for the long holiday weekend.  In Iowa, most everyone’s camper, even us diehards, had been winterized for several weeks by the time Turkey Day rolled around.

  3. Walking around the campground looking at the outdoor Christmas decorations (yes full timers decorate their campsites much like their former homes) it occurred to me the crickets and tree frogs were singing. Two things that would never occur together in Iowa unless we were attending a Christmas in July event. Curious!

  4. Kids are visiting Santa in shorts.

  5. Christmas trees and grills share the same area at the local home improvement store and both are selling equally well. Not a snow blower on display anywhere to be seen!


I’d love to hear from other snowbirds about things that seemed out of the ordinary the first time you went south to get away from winter.

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