
Monday, March 27, 2017

Wardrobe Change

I love watching spring colors transform the drab grays and browns of winter into a kaleidoscope of color.  For this northerner it was really strange to watch the refuge undergo this change beginning in late February, when my home state of Iowa is typically still buried in a foot of snow pack and the ground is till frozen several feet deep.  It occurred to me the other day, the best part of being a snow bird is going to be able to witness this remarkable transformation twice each year. When we arrive home in April the flowers and trees of Iowa will just be starting to wake up and poke their heads through the barely warm soil. What an unexpected bonus!

One of my favorite colors in the world is the fresh, light bright green of new leaves. Nowhere in nature is this color reproduced and as far as I'm concerned attempts to reproduce new leaf green by man made means fall far short of Mother Natures.  Perhaps it is knowing that the color is associated with a new birth and the promise of another growing season that holds its appeal to me.

I think I'll stop gushing and let the reader enjoy the pictures.

Until next time...

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1 comment:

  1. Unexpected surprises in nature are the best! They burn into your mind. Your winter /spring shots are great.
