
Monday, August 6, 2018

Day 159 / 206

Saylorville Lake Cloudy 90 Degrees

I love an opportunity to share my passion for nature and especially in the capacity of being a part of something that introduces the natural world to those who do not experience it in their everyday lives. Watching someone learn about the wonders of the natural world really charges my batteries. That passion is something that I share with my mother. It is one of very few planes where we truly connect.

[caption id="attachment_1080" align="alignnone" width="300"] Jester Park Nature Center view from back[/caption]

Iowa has a really special new place where that very thing will happen. The Jester Park Nature Center held its grand opening yesterday. I was completely enchanted with the place. It has been talked about for over 10 years. Aggressive fund raising and the coming together of minds from all over the country has resulted in a state of the art, stunning center where people can come and learn, get their hands dirty, squish wetlands muck between their bare toes, learn to fish, shoot a gun or a bow. You name it, if it has anything to do with Iowa’s natural world you can learn about it here. The place is amazing and beautiful!

[caption id="attachment_1081" align="alignright" width="300"] Mom[/caption]

I called mom last week and asked if she wanted to go to the Open House with me. She used to volunteer at the Warren County Conservation Office when I was younger.  I believe those were some of the happiest years of her life. It made my own heart happy to watch her yesterday. I know she was reliving some of her happy times, when she volunteered herself. We had a great afternoon, two nature nerds getting off watching kids and adults alike experience things they normally don’t in their suit and tie, run the kids to endless activities daily lives. Everyone was happy there. Maybe it was the free ice cream, maybe it was just that they were outside and in a different environment. The energy was good.

That brings me to yet another answer to the infamous question. If you are a tree hugger, like me, and you get charged up going to events like this, you have the inside track to all these events. When you volunteer at one place you tend to be very in tune with other activities and volunteer opportunities at neighboring or partnering places that you would otherwise likely miss if you were just passing through as a visitor.  I signed up to volunteer a few hours for them the rest of the summer, just to be involved and learn more myself so I can share it with others. Jester is just across the lake from us. It’s one of the best places to watch shore birds and water fowl in the state. We took some volunteer friends there when they visited Iowa last year.

[caption id="attachment_1082" align="alignleft" width="300"] Franklins Gull Feeding[/caption]

Yesterday was a win-win. I spent some good time with mom and I got to see an Iowa State Parks dream come true.

Until next time…

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