
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Day 157 / 208 Snowbird Guilt

Saylorville Lake Sunshine 95 Degrees

Yesterday was pretty special for me. I woke up Friday morning with plans to pick up Hunter and Isaac (our daughter’s boys) and take them shopping for some things for the upcoming soccer season, Isaac’s first. I had no idea if he would even be willing to go. Last time we tried to pick them up he had a melt down and we only took Hunter. Isaac turns 4 next week and was two when we started leaving in the winter. He is hard to win over when we return in the spring. A risk we knew we were taking when we jumped off the full-time adventure cliff.  My grandma’s heart sung when I walked in the house and was greeted with smiles and excitement for the day ahead. He said bye to his dad and off we went, no negotiating, no hesitance. It was awesome. We had a great time shopping and going out for lunch, just me and the boys. We ended the afternoon, back at our site and Champ got some good time with them before Kelsy came to pick them up after work. It will be a yearly process with the little ones winning them over just in time to leave again. The worst of it is, that is only a couple of the kids. Our granddaughter Nora is 90 miles away, but she seems to always be happy to see us. It just takes more planning to see her.  We have two young great grandkids 45 minutes away who are quickly becoming strangers and that breaks our hearts. My rational mind says to me that’s normal for lots of grandparents, I just didn’t think it would be us. I also have to remind myself, that life is super busy these days. Kids are busy with their jobs, and day to day life. Even when we lived here year-round we didn’t see them as much as we wanted.  Life is about choices.  I think the reason it bothers me so much is that I grew up next door to my paternal grandmother and was close to her. I cherish that relationship. I realize now, I was very lucky to have had that. Most snow birds will tell you the worst part is leaving the kids, but alas, we live our retirement years the way we live them. All life choices come with consequences, we pick our poison and our nectar. April to October, we savor every moment with the little ones (and the big ones), they sure don’t stay little for very long, but on the other hand we won’t be young and healthy forever.

August will be an incredibly busy month. Birthday’s, an out of town wedding and a couple of shifts working the booth for the lake at the Iowa State Fair. August will fly by, September will go by in a blink and before we know what happened we’ll be preparing to leave for our third winter in the south. It makes my head spin some days.

Until next time…

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