
Friday, March 22, 2019

Ft. Cooper State Park

Inverness, Florida Sunny 72 Degrees

We awoke to a Colorado kind of morning. Cool, dry, 42 degree air but the promise of warm sunshine this afternoon. After our morning walk we packed a lunch and headed for Ft. Cooper just 30 miles away. Just south of Inverness, Florida.

When we got to our destination, I wanted to kick myself for walking out of the house with my camera bag, cooler full of lunch but no binoculars. I was prepared for a lack luster morning looking at stuff through the zoom lens or with my naked eye. It turned out much better than I thought it would when stood staring into the backseat cussing my menopause brain for forgetting my bird eyes.

We walked the 3 mile trail that looped through forest hammock and by the lake. The gnarly Live Oaks were spectacular and we did see some birds through camera lens. Perhaps the coolest thing on the trail was a fallen tree along the side of the trail that looked like an Alligator lifting its head. Lunch was the best part. As we sat down to eat I looked up and saw two Sandhill Cranes in the park pecking at the ground. I abandoned my salad and went to see how close I could get with my camera. Turns out pretty close. They didn't pay any attention to me. I was 2 feet away, clicking away with my camera as they ate their own lunch, plucked from the sandy ground. Until this morning, I had only seen Sandhill Cranes circling high in the sky. Another first for me today was a Juvenile Little Blue Heron. Karma looked out for me, I didn't need binoculars to see either of these birds.

As we ate, we couldn't help but laugh at the rack of rental canoes and kayaks right in front of a sign warning that the water was populated with Alligators and not to wade. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to encounter one in a canoe either. Eventually I was able to finish my lunch in between distractions of birds in the trees above and along the shoreline.

One thing I have really missed this winter is having an experienced birder to help me identify the abundance of unfamiliar birds in the dense Florida forest canopy. I have found a few on my own and identified them with the help of my Merlin Bird App. For the most part, though, it's been tough learning for me. Next Thursday I'll get my wish . The park we visited today will have a bird walk guided by two experienced naturalists who know the area like their own backyard. I can't wait to find out what I've been missing.

Another sunny day is winding down, another State Park I wanted to visit this winter crossed off the list. In less than 30 days we will be back in Iowa and my winter tan will be fading as we wait for the Upper Midwest to warm up. The seasons really fly by these days.

Until Next Time...

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