
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday mornings

For years Sunday mornings have included watching CBS Sunday Morning. The trumpets of their intro music are a natural a sound to me as church bells on a Sunday morning. The stories are always interesting to me and I love Mo Rocca's Mobituary segment at the end of the show.  I'm trying hard to take a weekend and do nothing but it isn't something that I'm very good at.
As I watched the show this morning the sun started to peak through the cloud cover and I grew restless. It was 8:45 and already 70 degrees the sun was peaking out and I knew it would be a decent birding  morning. For the first time since ditching Direct TV I missed it since I couldn't record the rest of the show.
Never-the-less I grabbed my new camera and binnoculars and headed for the levee, hoping to see the Altamira Oriole again and photograph it. . We get Baltimore and Orchard Orioles in Iowa in abundance. This is a bird I will only see here or in Mexico so its a good sighting for this fledgling birder. I heard the familiar Oriole calls and soon found one eating seeds in a Mesquite Tree. Orioles are one of my favorites, not only for their coloring but their beautiful song.
Altamira Oriole 

The sun was short lived and the light became less that ideal for photography but I did get a decent picture of the Oriole I went in search of and was able to watch him in my binnoculars for a good while.
As I approached the entrance to the trail leading into the State Park, be still my heart, there stood two Bobcats in the middle of the trail!  One went into the tall grass but one stayed on the trail. I slowing took my camera off my shoulder and got three nice shots of him before he ambled off into the timber. It was one of those moments that made my heart skip a beat and I felt so lucky to have been in just the right place at precicely the right time. He showed very little concern with my presense and didn't dart away like I expected he would.

I walked back to the RV full of joy from the encounter. It's going to be a good day. I can catch Mo Rocca on his Podcast later today.

Until Next Time...

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