
Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

Mathis, Texas December 25th, 2020 couldn't have been a nicer day if we were able to special order it. We woke up to a crisp sunny 47 degree morning that quickly warmed to the mid 60's by 9 a.m. As we set out for our routine morning walk along the RV park trails I suggested we hop in the truck and drive the mile to the parking entrance to a wildlife area up the road. I have noticed it since the first time we visited Wilderness Lakes three years ago and today felt like the time to go. 

I have not been birding in months.  I have learned that birding is outstanding on the heels of a couple of windy blustery cloudy days. That was what this morning delivered. The Wildlife area is located in the flood plane below Corpus Christi Lake Dam. As we walked down the trail I began to feel quite relaxed and happy to be in the woods with the sounds of the timber drowning out the man made sounds of the world just a few hundred yards away. I didn't see anything remarkable but basked in the company of some of my favorites. A Great Kiskadee joined us early and followed us, as they do,  calling and flying back and forth across the trail.  I watched thrushes busy turning leaves on the ground in the dappled sunlight looking for breakfast. The trees and bushes were busy with a number or sparrows and warblers. It took me awhile to get my brain in Texas birding mode. At first I didn't recognize the Goldfinches and Eastern Bluebirds in their winter plumage but it all came back to me rather quickly. As we walked near the spillway we came upon a huge oak tree full of activity. I stood and took in the show of a flock of Cedar Wax Wings busily eating away and flitting about. Champ wandered down to examine the spillway  that we glimpse the end of each time we leave and arrive at the park entrance across the road. 

Cedar Wax Wing

Great Egret, Snowy Egret and White Ibis at Wilderness Lakes

Great Kiskadee

Northern Cardinal


Lincoln Sparrow

Orange Crown Warbler

Spotted Sandpiper

I stood there alone in the woods and completely lost myself in my surroundings. The only sounds were a dozen or so bird calls, acorns falling on the ground beneath the tree alive with the Cedar Wax Wings and the distant roar of the spillway. For a moment I felt like I was in the woods in Iowa and the Christmas time homesickness I feel each year waned.

Champ and I found each other again and we headed back to the truck enjoying this quiet area along the Nueces river below the dam.

Corpus Christi Lake spillway outflow

Nueces River below the spillway

Spanish moss covered tree

We spent the rest of Christmas sitting outside enjoying the warm, sunny afternoon. We dined on a roasted chicken, potatoes, asparagus and coleslaw. I made Charro beans for Champ for the first time. Being a life long bean hater I don't cook them. This was a first on two levels. I have never made beans of any kind and I have never made a dish from scratch that I didn't taste as it cooked. When Champ filled his bowl, I had no idea what they tasted like, nor did I want to, but he said they were delicious. I'll take his word for it. 

Enjoying the Gulf view after a Sunday ride to Rockport

First time at the beach in jeans! 

Christmas day rounded out a great week in Texas that included a motorcycle trip over to the coast. Video chats with all three kids and some of the grandkids completed our snowbird Christmas routine. The weather at home today, post blizzard, didn't make it out of the single digits, serving as a reminder of why we do this. April will be here before we know it and we'll be back in Iowa with the kids. In the meantime we will enjoy this odd, secluded winter and look forward to the days when we can start to reinvent what will become a new normal.

Until Next Time... 

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