
Friday, February 19, 2021


I never dreamed I would take post ice storm pictures, while bundled up in a coat and long johns under my jeans again, but there I was Wednesday morning in South East Texas doing just that! As my northern, non-migrating friends and family exist in an unthinkable deep freeze. Texas is enduring record cold temperatures not seen in over 40 years.  Mathis escaped the snow that has fallen by the foot as close as 100 miles north of us but has endured one ice storm after another the past 5 days.

I had enough of being coop up in the motorhome the past 7 days and bundled up with what little cold weather clothing I own and defiantly went for a walk along the trail by the lake. As I walked in the 34 degree temps the ice that accumulated on the trees was dripping. It sounded like rain it was melting so quickly. The solace is in knowing that we will be back in the 70’s by next week after the stubborn jet stream retreats back to the north. Today the sun is out and we will see upper 40’s. A heat wave compared to what we have had the past week. Water lines are rupturing all over Texas.  The Texas power grid descended into a downward spiral early this week and of course everyone ran to the store and picked it clean of most everything. Panic over weather at its very worst.

Today the sun came out, power is coming back online slowly, and the grocery stores await deliveries, not seen in days because of the treacherous road conditions and power outages everywhere. It has been quite a few days.

Our life is one of flexibility.  We were lucky to have not lost power in our RV Park. Why is a mystery, but I’ll take it. Even if we had the motorhome has a generator and we had just had the LP tank filled before this front enveloped us in the sub-freezing temps. I had just been to the store so we have plenty of groceries. In all, our biggest complaint was boredom and spotty internet.

I have book marked Key Largos weather on my app as I do our future destinations to see what the next winter will have in store for us. I am envious of the consistent upper 70’s that the Florida Keys have enjoyed while the rest of the country freezes.  My sites are set on next winters adventure, the tropical climate and of course the summer at home with our family and close friends that divides our winter gigs.

I never thought I would post ice pictures again, but here they are.

Until Next Time…

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