
Monday, April 24, 2017

Annie's Diary April 24th 2017

Things finally stopped moving again.  It seemed like every time we turned around the walls started moving and the house would shake all day.

[caption id="attachment_273" align="alignnone" width="300"] Hanging out by the Arkansas River[/caption]

We stopped at a place that Buster and I really liked. It was next to the water and there were lots of birds and squirrels in the yard. We really liked it there but we didn’t stay very long.

Buster and I decided we like where we are now. I hope our humans like it too so we can stay awhile. Barefoot lady still insists on carrying us out and putting the things around our neck. We know how to walk just fine but she insists on carrying us. We have a nice yard next to the woods.

[caption id="attachment_271" align="alignright" width="300"] Keeping an eye on things[/caption]

There are a lot of things to watch. One night we were laying out there and deer came by and said ‘hi’ on their way to their sleeping place.  There is also a piece of tree that I like to sit on and watch everything.

It was fun in Texas since they let us run loose sometimes, but it is nice to be where the grass is thick and the ground is soft to dig in. Texas was hard and prickly. We had burrs stuck in our feet a lot and had to work hard to get them out of our fur. Iowa is much softer.

We are pretty sure we are somewhere we have been before because the little people with the loud voices are back.  Some of them are nice, but there is one who is really loud and I’m afraid of him.  Even when I go in our door under the stairs I can’t get away. He sticks his head in the hole and swings the thing they kill flies with at us. Even when I smack him with my paw or hiss at him, he just laughs at me. He is supposed run away when I do that but he doesn’t.

Fuzzy man is building something out of wood. It smells like the deck where we used to live. I remember that smell I used to spend my days laying on it and keeping an eye on the yard.  It is sitting right by the door of the house and we have to go on it to get in and out.  Buster and I think he must really like us since he is making something new for us to scratch on.

I wish they would just let me walk around outside and go where I want instead of being on a string. Sometimes I just lay in my window in the back and watch or take a nap with the breeze blowing in. Buster and I are happy here. I think our humans are too.

[caption id="attachment_272" align="alignnone" width="169"] Pure Contentment[/caption]


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