
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Annie's Diary Entry 4-2-17

[caption id="attachment_75" align="alignnone" width="300"] Annie[/caption]

My name is Annie, I’m a beautiful calico and I live with another cat named Buster. He’s gray and has stripes. He’s also very fat and warm to sleep with. There are two humans who live with us. The fuzzy man and the barefoot lady. They’re not bad for humans, though I’m not sure how smart they are sometimes. Even though we have names they call us all sorts of things like they can’t remember what to call us. We know what they mean though and they are always nice to us and make sure we have food and water so we don’t  have to hunt  to eat.

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignright" width="300"] Buster[/caption]

I used to live in a big house and got to go outside whenever I wanted. There was a time when I could go outside and climb trees to chase the birds, I laid on the roof of the big house a lot. I really liked it up there. There was also a big cornfield and barn. I went there every day to hunt or sleep in the cool dirt.

The humans had another house that sat in the back yard. I liked it when it was there, I would lay under it and watch everything.  Sometimes it was gone, but they always brought it back for me to lay under for shade.

One day a long time ago they let me go in the little house. It was really neat. It smelled like the humans but not like us. Me and Buster went in and rubbed our scent all over it. We liked it. Then one day, when we were in the little house, all the walls moved and the house got really small and it was hard to find our way around in it. Then the humans left and it started to shake. Buster and I were scared. It was noisy and shaking a lot. We couldn’t sleep and it was hard to walk around so we got under the table and waited.  After a long time, it stopped and the humans came back.  All the walls moved again and it was easier to walk around. We went outside but everything was different. There were so many smells we couldn’t figure out where we were.  The barefoot lady put something around our necks and we couldn’t walk very far.  It was horrible. We wanted to go back to the big house and the cornfield but we couldn’t find it.

The house shook a lot.  The fuzzy man and the barefoot lady were never there when it happened. We tried to tell them about it but they didn’t understand.  It stopped happening and we started having a good time again. We got to go outside without the tight things on our necks.

[caption id="attachment_222" align="alignleft" width="300"] The little house[/caption]

There were birds and mice but the cornfield was gone.  Everything was prickly and the trees smelled different. We started to like our new yard, but then yesterday the walls moved again, and the house is shaking a lot. Our humans are gone again. We’ll try to tell them when they come back, but like I said earlier, they aren’t very smart and don’t understand what we say. They just pet us on the head and give us food. They’ll want to sit in our chairs, so we’ll have to sit on top of them to rest.

When the house isn’t moving it’s a nice house. We have dark quiet places to hide in our new house. I’ll tell out about it some other time.  For now, I just hope the shaking stops soon.

1 comment:

  1. Well,isn"t that just the cuttest post a cat ever wrote. Poor babies i feel for them.?? fun timed for all. Be happy they don't get car sick.
