
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Shifting Gears

I’ve been blogging about our Full Time RV lifestyle for about 16 months now. People tell me all the time that they enjoy reading my posts and I certainly enjoy writing them and sharing this wonderful adventure. The other day I was cruising through the state park we are currently working at in the work truck and contemplating a question that is asked of us repeatedly, “What is it like to live in a motorhome and move around all the time?” My usual response is “It’s the best thing ever!”  That doesn’t really answer the question though. At the same time, I was also contemplating my next post and starting to realize that a pattern is developing. We move to a new job, we meet new people, I practice birding and seek out the local birding enthusiast to learn from, we do fun projects etc. My blog is becoming cyclical and predictable. Two things I have never been very fond of.

That being said, I am going to change the flavor of Our High Road.  Over the next year beginning on March 1st I will begin to write daily posts. Short, realistic glimpses into the oft asked question, “What is it like?“  Unlike my previous lengthy articles about various topics, these will be short. Maybe a picture or short video. Something a reader can check in and have a look at in less than a minute each day if they choose.

I have no idea what lies ahead the next year. Who does?  Not knowing what I may share from day to day is scary and exhilarating all at once. My year may be boring, or it may be filled with all sorts of things that are interesting to someone who is contemplating embarking on this lifestyle.  A new commitment to giving a brutally honest look inside the life of a full time RV volunteer the good the bad and the ugly sounds a little daunting but I love a challenge.  At the end of the year anyone following will be able to answer their own question and I may gain some different insight along the way as well.  I don't know what direction I'll go with the blog after that, but something tells me the answer will reveal itself along the way.

Thanks for travelling along with us and we’ll see you each day if you want to follow along.

Until March 1st

1 comment:

  1. Life is always in a state of change. Thats a very good thing. What ever changes you make in your post will bend as you grow in your travles. I have enjoyed all your post.
