
Thursday, March 1, 2018

A Year in the Life of a Full Time RV Volunteer

1 / 365

Goliad, Texas   Sunny & 80 degrees

Welcome to the first day of our year chronicle as a full-time RV couple. I agonized a little too long over when to start this. Anyone who has worked with me knows how bogged down I get in a small detail. I decided there's no time like the present and picked March 1st for no particular reason. What a glorious day it is!

After a cool, wet February the sun came out yesterday and the wildflowers that Texas is famous for have appeared. We have been mowing the past two days getting the park spiffy for its spring show.   I saw my first Indian Paint Brush and Blue Bonnets from the mower this morning. Yes, I mowed around them. The trees are heavy with buds and my heart is happy!

Until tomorrow....

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