
Friday, November 2, 2018

Day 248 / 117 Plains Landing

Plains, Georgia – 70 Degrees

We arrived in Plains today after three long days of travel. No dilly dallying this fall. We did that in Dominican Republic two weeks ago. We are committed here for 90 days to volunteer at the High School that is now the official Welcome Center for people who visit the Jimmy Carter Farm where he grew up and is now a part of the National Parks System.

We are tucked away in a quaint RV Park ½ mile from the High School. To say we are in the midst of a huge culture change and change of pace is a gross understatement. The cool part is, there is a convenience store directly in front of us, so quick supplies, gas and a slice of pizza or beer is only a few paces away.

I came here with hopes of meeting President Carter, who lives here. Those wishes were validated by Bob Moss, the old boy who owns the park we will call ‘home’ till January 31st. He said, “If you’re going to be here for three months, you’ll see him a lot”.  Good!

Our drive the past two days has taken us through areas we had not previously driven through. I was not surprised by the beauty of Alabama as we made our way from Tupelo to Plains today. I was surprised by how hilly it was. It was a nice drive. We were the beneficiaries of the end of a long season of resurfacing. Our roads were smooth all day today. Unlike yesterday when we endured 8 hours of rough state highways making our way through 5 states from St. Louis to Tupelo MS.

On Monday we will report to the Visitor’s Center to begin training. In the mean time we will acquaint ourselves with the area, the people in the RV park here, and a couple of nearby towns where we are told we will find anything we need.

Until Next Time…

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