
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Day 249 / 116

Plains, GA Sunny - 70 Degrees

Two things that make us anxious about moving to a new place are water and satellite.

When we go to a new place we never know what the water quality will be like or how good the water pressure will be. I drink nearly a gallon of water each day and hate bottled water. Bad water can also corrode faucets if it is hard, like it was in Goliad last winter or make laundry hard to get clean. Bad water pressure for the shower is a pet peeve for both of us. Especially me, trying to rinse shampoo out of my carpet thick hair.

[caption id="attachment_1210" align="alignleft" width="225"] Getting set up in our Plains GA digs[/caption]

Champ is a TV watcher and getting the dish set up after moving half way across the country is a challenge sometimes. We have learned a lot about setting up.  An app our friend Deb showed us last summer, SatFinderLite, worked splendidly to determine Azimuth and Elevation and locate the satellite 1200 miles from where it was last pointed.  We highly recommend it. When our contract is up with DirecTV we plan to switch to streaming services. For now we lug a dish and tripod around to get our favorite shows. 

This evening as we rest we are happy that the water is good and flowing generously through the faucets. Our little deck and landing is reassembled and we have our long list of shows to pick from again. Instead of the 4 network channels that the antenna can pick up in this rural area.

We had a smooth trip from Iowa, the hard stuff for set up is behind us and we've talked to the kids. Tomorrow, we have another day to relax and get rested from 3 long days on the road, then we will start our new gig on Monday.

Until next time...

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