
Monday, December 31, 2018

Day 303/62 Replacing RV Flooring III

Saturday arrived, and the hard job was at hand. This is the day did the bathroom.

While Champ started laying planks in the bedroom, my job was
to demo the bathroom while he worked his way toward it. More tile to pull up in
an impossibly small space. After I removed the box that covers the plumbing
behind the stool and removed the skirt around the base of the toilet, I took
out my utility knife and putty scraper and went to work.

The trick was leaving tile surface to kneel on as I worked my way around the tiny room. Armed with a new blade in my knife I started scoring the tile around the cabinet and shower enclosure. The tiles didn’t come up any easier than the kitchen. ( I wish I had seen the comment from my friend Deb out about heating the tile with an iron first.) As I fought pulling up the tiles around the toilet, I couldn’t help but chuckle. The last time I was wrapped that snugly around a toilet for that long a time I was in my 20’s and suffering the consequences of approximately a dozen Gin and Tonics. I still don’t like Gin to this day.

As hard as my job of the tear out was, it wasn’t half as tedious and time consuming as Champ's job of fitting the new planks around all the angles. I marvel at his stamina and willingness to do these hard jobs. He just keeps working away at things, no matter how hard until he sees the job through.

The cats lay around and look at us like we are crazy. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this to them. I do wonder what they think sometimes. We move them around, constantly change things. They endured major house renovations with us in our brick and mortar days. I would like to think they are happy we are removing the traces of the past owners’ animals from their house.  I am enjoying the absence of the persistent musty smell of the old carpet.

We finished the job on Sunday. The new rugs are in. There is some minor trim work to do. The dream of getting rid of the icky carpet has come to fruition. We will go to the New Years Eve Party at the Clubhouse tonight with the job complete. Hindsight is always 20/20. The work was hard, but not being able to get the job done last winter in Texas ended up saving us over $2,000. We spent $500.00 on the flooring and trim. It took 5 days and lots of sweat and a little blood from a couple of slips with the utility knife but it’s done now and we love it. The cool part is we didn't fight the entire time. We do bicker a bit over some things but when it comes to a project we do good together. We are smart in very different ways. Somehow, when we work on a project like this we look to each other for our expertise. Between us we always figure it out. it's a good thing since we live in 300 sq. ft. together.

Until Next Time…

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