
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Day 304 / 61 Hello 2019

Ocala Florida, 82 Degrees Sunny

We rang in 2019 at the Clubhouse here at Ocala Sun RV Resort with our new friends last night. As we reflected on the year yesterday we agreed that 2018 was overall a good year. Yes, we had some rough patches. We went without AC during an Iowa heatwave. We were evacuated from Volunteer Village twice due to flooding and our experience with National Parks Services in Plains, GA was a terrible let down. A very dear woman who I consider one of my surrogate mother figures was violently assaulted in her home. An event that shook many of us to our core. She survived but was severely injured and will carry emotional scars, the likes of which I can't imagine for the rest of her days. But, and I emphasize the BUT, a lot of good things also happened.

We took a memorable and fun trip to the Dominican Republic with family and close friends and had a fantastic time. I figured out the dietary key to feeling good, for my body anyway, and have felt like a million bucks and continue to steadily shed weight since beginning a loose version of a Paleo diet in June. We got our new flooring after many delays and our motor home updates have really changed the look inside. Our decision to leave Plains put us on a path that led us here and in the company of more special new friends we would not have otherwise met.

We spent January 1st 2019 at Rainbow Springs State Park about 30 minutes away. In our decidedly urban existence this winter and with me working Part Time in my former industry I have felt very detached from my preferred environment. I have been longing for the woods and got a nice fix today. As we walked in the dappled sunlight of the trail along the Rainbow River and the Phosphate pits that make the area so unique, I felt the contentment that I only feel when in a natural area with its natural sounds. The birds were still fairly active despite the late morning -Noon time frame. I could actually feel stress leaving my body as I walked along with my binoculars looking at birds and identifying two that were new to me. A Prothonotary Warbler and a Palm Warbler. I tuned my ear to the calls and other sounds and for a short while was able to forget about the concrete jungle were we currently reside. The official bird list for the day for me was decent. Carolina Wren, Black Capped Chickadee, Black and White Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Palm Warbler, American Gold Finch, Short Eared Owl, Cardinal, Piliated Woodpecker, Ladder Back Woodpecker, Yellow Rumped Warbler, Tufted Titmouse, Chipping Sparrow, Blue Heron, Carolina Chickadee, Hermit Thrush and I think a Savannah Sparrow. ( I didn't get a picture and sparrows are hard sometimes.)

The water is clear and the colors are quite unique. As we walked and talked, we decided this would be a good park to work camp at in the future when we make our way back to Florida. It will be easy enough to investigate. The Azalea bushes were blooming along the path and the man made waterfalls lent to the beautiful sound of the area. We walked the 3 miles or so of trails and both remarked how incredibly lucky we are to be able to live this life. Despite the occasional challenges that come along with this gypsy lifestyle we are continually reminded of the opportunity we have each day.

We are not fans of urban resort type parks but we met John and Barb and several other fun couples here. Champ has lots of social interaction when I go to work in the afternoon during the week and the park is filling up with more snowbirds to meet as the winter wears on. I know it is cold in Iowa today. 11 degrees as reported by a friend who called. We don't feel a bit guilty that we are basking in 80 degrees with the warm humid breeze blowing the curtains away from the windows. Buster is lounging in the shade of our little yard this afternoon, without a care in his cat world. Annie is getting sun drunk in the windshield and I am headed to the patio to work a crossword and work on my winter tan.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. And. happy, Healthy, carefree 2019 is wished for you ! Love from Aunt Pat
