
Sunday, November 24, 2019

A New Brand Of Workcamping

We are dipping our toe in the waters of work camping for a private RV park this winter. In our first three full years we have stayed in private resort style parks different times, but never traded hours for a site with them. We have only work camped for federal and state parks. We took this job, knowing it would be an entirely different experience and come with a different set of expectations on both sides of the equation.

We have historically taken some down time in between jobs at the beginning of the winter season at private parks. Last winter, after leaving the situation at the NPS in Georgia we spent the entire winter in a private park. We always meet great people, make new friends and take advantage the amenities and activities. Two things have happened during our short stents. We (mostly me) long for the natural area and wilderness of the parks when we are in the concrete jungles. On the other hand, just about the time we really start to connect with new friends and get into a routine of activities, it is time to ‘go to work’.

We came to Llano Grande this year on the recommendation of friends who have come here for years. Having never volunteered for a private park, we also knew we would either love it or hate it. Private parks are a little less forgiving about missing hours than government owned parks. Case in point, Thanksgiving. The state and federal parks we have worked for observed holidays and are closed those days. If your normal workday falls on a holiday, you get a buy. With these private parks, holidays are just another day. The activities still go on. If the department you work for is closed that doesn’t mean anything accept you have to make up your hours for being off that day. They look at your comped site differently. They are giving up a certain number of $$ by not renting it. If you are going to stay there free of charge, they expect a certain number of hours in trade. They don’t care if it’s Christmas Day. Raining and 42 degrees out? Too bad, no rain days like at the gov’t parks. It’s all about the numbers and the revenue. I remember when we were at Goliad State Park two seasons ago and Champ had to have his appendix removed. The first words out of the park superintendent’s mouth were, “don’t worry about your hours, just tell us what you need, we’ll get your work covered until you can come back”.  That would never happen here. It’s not a bad thing, just a different set of expectations.

We have been here for a month now, and our conversation over coffee this morning was an affirmation to each other, we are happy in this particular park. For me, the fact that it is adjacent to Estero Llano Grande State Park and the RGV Birding Center gives me walking access to some of the best birding in the country. If I need to be in the woods, all I need to do, is walk 10 minutes west on the levee and voila', I am in my element. One morning this past week I was sitting on the patio having my herbal tea about 6:30 a.m. and a young Bobcat strolled through our site on his way home to bed.  No wilderness withdrawal for me here.
State Park Entrance from the levee

View of our site from the Levee

 Our street is populated with several other couples who are work camping here and we are beginning to socialize and form a nice circle of new friends. I am in the reservation office Mondays and Tuesday mornings. It is a beehive of activity and I get to meet new arrivals and get to know the regulars who meander in and out. Champ is working for maintenance the same days and so far, is mostly running the street sweeper. Not a bad gig for him. The park employees are really nice to work for and the park in general has the friendly community that most snow bird parks enjoy. I have learned a new game called Pegs and Jokers, that I go play on Sunday nights and have started going to a yoga class on Monday and Wednesdays at 5 after my work-day ends. There is an activity most anytime of each day to keep just about anyone as busy as they want to be. Friday afternoon happy hours provide live music and some of the best Fish and Chips around along with the social aspect of a party.
Champ on the job
Friday HH at the Event Center

Me on the job

Sunset from my patio

It is safe to say, we are satisfied with our first private park gig. We love our summer job too, but this is a nice change of pace while we wait for the weather up north be get over it’s winter-time frozen tantrum.
Until Next Time…

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