
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Back In The Nest

We are one step closer to feeling a sense of normality. We moved to our site at the lake we work for this morning. As we drove back to town to do the curb side pickup for the new walking shoes I bought online we both commented that driving from the lake into town, made us feel like we were finally home accept that home doesn’t feel right this year.
Good ole Site # 7

There are still several relatives and friends that we have not seen because of social distancing practices. We have seen some of the grandkids a little, but not nearly as much as we would in the pre-COVID 19 reality. We are at our site ready to start our fourth season but have no idea what this year holds.

All of America is living the same angst filled existence of uncertainty and constantly changing circumstances. We are lucky to be at our usual summer place. Many are still in limbo or have had to find other last-minute arrangements. I heard from one of my office co-workers from our winter job, who reported that he had migrated from his normal job in Missouri,  that didn’t work out this year, to an amusement park in Des Moines who employs many workcampers each summer. We did not think we would see him till next winter and now 5 weeks later he is just a few miles away. Some of our other summer companions who have been waiting in their southern destinations are now on the road making their way back. What we have come back to remains to be seen. Flexibility is the number one quality one must possess to navigate the full-time work camper lifestyle, but the summer of 2020 is bound to stretch everyone’s limits for constant change.

I have started a new part time summer job in the garden center of a local home improvement store and am feeling better having a purpose at least some of the days I get up. This past seven weeks of doing nothing has been torture. Not knowing where we would ultimately end up for the season delayed my job search till last week. I have worked part time more than not and it has never taken me more than a week or so to secure a part time job when I decided I wanted one. I am becoming an expert at first days at a new job. This job like my past years summer gig at my friend’s shop offers the ability to return each spring. They told me in my interview they even have a specific seasonal leave designed just for snowbirds like me. I watch the news and hope my friend can reopen his business soon. 

Going into work and smelling the greenhouse aroma's, playing with plants and talking to other garden geeks is going a long way to lift my spirits even with a face mask on. After a career of dealing with the public in one way or another, I have to admit it is really strange engaging with people and not knowing what they look like accept for their eyes. On the other hand I am saving money on lipstick since no one can see my mouth. It isn't nearly as strange as it must be to those in my former career in the banking industry. If someone walked into the bank wearing a mask in those days, I would have been searching for the magic button under my desk!

We can finally start nesting in our site along with the birds that are busy building their nests in the timber that surrounds us. I am trying to breathe a sigh of relief, but it just won’t come this spring. I wonder if it will ever return as we all navigate this strange new world.  
Until Next Time…

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