
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Day 153 / 212

Saylorville Lake – Sunshine 78 Degrees

Our daughter and her family are in Colorado for the first time. I’m jealous, but I’m also glad she is getting to experience the wonder of the Rocky Mountains in the summer time. I fell in love with the place as a teen ager and the love affair continues today. I say all the time, if the kids weren’t all in Iowa I’d be in the mountains this time of year.

I’ve spent the past five months chronicling our life as full time RV work campers. A lot has happened in that time. When I started on March 1st, I would have never imagined that my sixth post would be about Champ having emergency surgery, or that we would experience flooding in both parks we have worked in during this ½ year. Life is like that, you just never know what lurks around the corner. It may be a disaster, or it may be your soul mate you just never know.

I have written about the question “What is it like?” from many angles. In some ways it is very unique, in others it is very much like a traditional bricks and sticks life. There are a number of challenges exclusive to the RV lifestyle and some rewards that one wouldn’t realize in a stationary life. Lately I am excited that my Paleo diet that seeks out local, whole foods will have a different sort of variety, since we move about in different regions and climates. I can’t wait to see what a winter farmers market in the south east United States will offer this winter.

When I decided to write this blog, the one thing I didn’t want it to turn into was a daily dear diary or social media style play by play. I want to write meaningful things about this wonderful lifestyle. The good the bad and the ugly. Having written, for the most part, daily for the past several months I feel like the hum-drumness is setting in. My ambition of writing daily for a year was lofty, I knew that. I know a lot of people who read my posts daily and I love hearing that someone reads my blog and finds in interesting. I want it to stay that way. I hope everyone continues to follow me and tell their friends. I love sharing our life with people who dream of doing this or just want to see what it’s like.

In the interest of keep it fresh, I’m going to go back to posting when there is actually something to talk about or if I find myself thinking deeply about some aspect of our life and feel the need to share it with the world of RV’ers or RV dreamers. It may come in consecutive days or a week may go by depending on what is going on.  Many of you have subscribed and I hope more do, as we move into our second year. If you click the box below an article that says “Notify me of new posts via email”, enter your email address to subscribe you will get a notification with a direct link to my blog when I post a new article. That’s it, this isn’t a market gig and I’m not trying to sell anything. Many see my posts in their Facebook news feed. Changes to FB will impact my interface between my blog software and Facebook. We have some exciting stuff coming up that is planned and of course the forces of the universe will add their own flavor to our well laid plans. I am going to let the second half of the year unfold in its own time with its own excitement or lack thereof and write along with the ebb and flow. Frankly, after the events of the past 9 months or so, I could use a little ‘lack thereof’.

Until next time…


1 comment:

  1. Britt/Champ
    Of Course ! I want to continue to follow your adventures, daily life, thoughts, comments, observations as you follow your dream & experience the cultures of our vast country
    Love, Aunt Pat
