
Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter in New Mexico

Tomorrow we will pull up the jacks and start making our way back north and east toward Iowa. The bikes will likely stay in the truck the rest of the way home.  The past week has been a whole new level of riding for me and I’ve experienced things I never thought I would on a motorcycle. Champ has done it all many times but has enjoyed watching me experience this kind of riding for the first time.

Our short stay in southern New Mexico did not disappoint. I am glad we chose the Alamogordo area for this trip. I have so many other places in this beautiful state I want to see, but this was a tasty appetizer. We scheduled two full days here.

Basecamp in Alamogordo

Gambel's Quail behind the rig

View of the Sacramento Mountains from our site

Day 1 was spent at White Sands National Park. It was Easter Sunday. If you have not been there make it a point to go. It is such a unique area. The history and geology are fascinating and I always marvel that there are species that adapt to harsh climates like this. We hiked the trails and marveled at our surroundings. The interpretive signage throughout the park does a great job educating visitors about what they are seeing and what to look for.  To see about the park to to

I was examining a grouping of tracks in the sand on a dune when a family with three kids, armed with their Jr. Ranger guidebooks approached. I encouraged them to come to where I was standing and pointed out the tracks. I just stood back and my heart smiled as they got out their guides and began to identify the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Darkling Beetle, Bleached Earless Lizard, and Merriam’s Kangaroo Rat tracks in the 10’ square area where I was standing. I love to see kids get excited about things like that. It once again reminded me how much I love interpretive work when I get to do it on our Volunteer gigs at the Wildlife Refuges and State Parks.

Champ in the Dunes

Families enjoying Easter Sunday

Taking a rest on the boardwalk

Soap Tree Yucca at the top of the dune

Blue=Merriam's Kangaroo rat Red= Darkling Beetle Green =Bleached Earless Lizard


The park manager lent us sleds and a brick of resin so we could do some sledding ourselves. Champ even managed a trip down the hill standing up on the sled. Sand surfing!

Families had their canopies, and some their campers dry docked in the big parking lots at the base of the dunes. The kids were sledding and playing on the dunes. Grills were going, music was playing and it was Easter at White Sands. How special is that?

Day 2 today was motorcycle day. The park host here is a cyclist as well as the neighbor next to us. They helped me choose a route that I would not have come up with on my own.  We headed north from the park and Caught US  70 East toward the Sacramento Mountains. The first stop was Inn of the Mountain Gods. Not for the inn or the Casino but the beautiful canyon ride that ended at the lake near the lodge. There we put on our heavy jackets and headed into the Lincoln National Forest for the 30-mile ride to Cloud Croft. It was at least as challenging as the Twisted Sisters routes last week but this was through pine forest with a 4000’ gain in elevation. We ascended to 8600’. The scenery was breathtaking. The sun shone bright and warm on my face, a strong scent of pine hung in the air and signs warning of free ranging cattle, elk and wild horses reminded me to stay alert. It was hard to absorb all the beauty that was around me. I just rode and basked. Toward the end of the route, we came around a corner to find 4 remarkable wild horses prancing about in the middle of the road. We slowed and Champ revved his engine to get their attention. Two of them reared and all four scampered off the side of the road down into the valley. It was stunning! I have never seen wild horses, let along up close and on the road! That was one I’ll remember when I’m 98 years old sitting around reliving things in my mind. After a tasty lunch at a Wild Game Restaurant on the way down the mountain I thought I had been dazzled enough for the day. I was wrong. As we descended into Alamogordo, I came around a corner and saw the White Sands on the horizon, that was worth the quick stop on the shoulder for a picture. The temperature was a full 20 degrees warmer once we returned to the flat lands.

Sierra Blanca from US 70

Inn of the Mountain God's Lake

Tunnel on the way down

View of Alamogordo on the descent ~ 6000 ' Elev

The descent White Sands on the horizon at the foot of the San Andreas Mts. 

The rest of the day will be getting ready to travel once again.  We will make a couple more stops before we put jacks down in our summer home in north central Iowa. The past week has been long anticipated and very enjoyable. The weather has been perfect and the people we have met have been just as warm and inviting as the sun that has shown everyday since we left Mathis. What more could a girl ask for?

Until Next Time…

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