
Friday, July 6, 2018

Day 128 / 237 Dam Duty

Saylorville Lake – Sunny – 78 Degrees

I’m spending the next two Friday’s 2pm – 8pm with my Volunteer buddy Don, sitting at the closed gate at the road across the dam and turning away people who are trying to get to the spillway to see the water rush out. It’s a steady stream of traffic, despite the local news channels doing daily reports about the closure. This is how we are earning our site these days. The emphasis is now on public safety and traffic control.

I’ve said repeatedly that one of the coolest parts of being resident volunteers at various parks is access.  I am on the short list of people who are allowed to drive across the dam road and take the picture of the spillway opened full bore. It was a real eye opener.

Our site at Volunteer village is turning into an island. I went over this morning and took a couple of pictures. As I stood on the edge of my pad looking at the water, a fish jumped in the area where my little garden was. Don’t see that everyday in volunteer village!

We got moved and I managed to get the newsletters out on time, barely. Not my best work but it got done.  My biggest challenge right now is to try to find something interesting to write about as the flood story gets stale.

Enjoy the pictures.

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