
Friday, July 13, 2018

Day 135 / 230 A Cat's Eye

Saylorville Lake – Sun 90 Degrees

I haven’t written about Buster and Annie in some time other than an occasional anecdote. They have been travelling with us for almost 2 years now and we’ve learned some things about travelling with cats along the way.

When we first got serious about doing this we struggled with the cat question. We love our cats and they were free roaming, hunting king and queen of their universes. The thought of corralling them in a camper seemed cruel. Were we being selfish wanting them with us at the expense for their cathood? Was it best for them to find a home for them with someone who would allow them to come and go as they pleased like they were accustom to? We decided to let them tell us.

The summer before we took off we started taking them camping with us and they went on vacation with us that summer. The first weekend, I’m sure they thought they’d been kidnapped by aliens and subjected to every horror that could befall a cat. Being trapped in the 5th wheel, having a collar placed around their neck and a rope that wouldn’t allow them to take off. Noisy campgrounds with weird sounds and even weirder smells. They were stressed but did pretty good. Each time they went with us on a short trip that summer they got a little more comfortable. They soon learned the signals that we were preparing to go somewhere with the camper and became harder and harder to catch when it was time to take off. We talked at length about what would be best for them and even talked to a couple of people about taking them. In the end our selfishness overruled, and they went with us.

I have to say they have adapted quite well over the two years. I wonder if cats have any long-term memory. Do they remember the good ole days when they went on 2-day hunting safaris at harvest time? Do they remember the old house? Do they remember being outside without being tethered? All good questions, maybe karma will bring me back as a cat that travels with an RV’er and I’ll find out.

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Like us they prefer some places over others. They really loved the first wild life refuge we worked at since they were able to roam free a bit during the day. I think they felt like real cats there, hunting and roaming about the woods. Every now and then they seem to really like a place and we feel guilty for taking them away when it is time to move on. They do well here at Saylorville, but our temporary site while we wait for flood waters to recede is really to their liking.

They like the motorhome, with it’s big windshield to lay in and watch the world when they aren’t outside and the pass-through bathroom that provides an oval style racetrack for them at 3AM when they decide it’s time to get some exercise and romp.

I have found so far that veterinarians are very understanding with folks who travel. It’s easy to get a recommendation when needed and we carry their records with us, so we know what shots they need and when. That part is easy.

One thing I can say is they know the vibe when we are getting ready to move and they don’t like it. They stick very close together and spend a lot of time sitting with their backs to us to let us know their disdain. They recover quickly and still love on us. They are probably more spoiled now that ever due to our guilt for taking them away from their real cat life. At 8 and 6 years old they are healthy, and I think happy most of the time. Accept when grandkids come to visit with their quick movements and high-pitched voices. They can’t escape as easily in the motor home as they could in the 5th wheel when they would simply run through their cat door in the steps into the compartment aka the ‘cat condo’. Those were the days. As I went through pictures I’ve taken of them the past two years I think they are content and I hope they feel as warm and fuzzy toward us as we do them. Who knows with cats, they probably only care that we keep the food bowl full and leave once in a while, so they can lay on the kitchen counter without getting sprayed with a water bottle.

Until tomorrow..

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