
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Day 132 / 233 It's Been A Day

Saylorville Lake 92 Degrees Sun-- Humidity What else is new

I had another post prepared today, but the day took a few turns that I didn’t anticipate, and I am sitting here at the end of a very difficult day writing about something totally different. The cool part is tomorrow is already done!

“What’s it like?” Today is kind of a best/ worst day. I am in the grips of menopausal mood swings to the extreme today and everything I encounter is making me crazy, really. When you live full-time you are kind of on the ragged edge technology wise. The power went out in this part of the world this morning. I literally had my finger on the button to pulverize my disgusting looking, yet tasty smoothie for breakfast when everything went dead. No problem I thought. I went outside, and the breaker was not tripped. A quick look outside at everyone coming out of their campers scratching their heads told me it was an outage. No worries, I own a motorhome now! Not so fast. The damned thing wouldn’t start. Fuel delivery issues apparently, by the time Champ identified the part that needed to be ordered a couple hours later (of course) the power was back on. Cool! The generator is broke now too along with our AC that is still waiting on a motor. It will be very, very hot in here very fast in this weather. At least we're in the shade, unlike some of our neighbors.  I left for work early to escape the issues here and walked into a fire storm of annoying activity that nearly did me in today. Did I mention my menopausal mood issues today? Yes, they are making me borderline psychotic at work too. I really needed a quite day at work I got just the opposite.

Here’s where the best part comes in. Through social media an acquaintance of mine from school and I connected. She started doing the full time RV thing last year and a mutual friend hooked us up on Facebook to share our experiences. I can’t help but visualize a Venn diagram when I think of how I knew Rhonda in school. We moved in different social circles a grade apart I am older. We had enough mutual friends that those circles intersected occasionally.

[caption id="attachment_1024" align="alignright" width="225"] Rhonda, the ray of sunshine in my day today![/caption]

Fast forward a few decades and we grew into very like-minded adults whose lives ultimately resulted in this full-time RV lifestyle. She was going to be in town today and I knew she would be there when I got home. After my crappy day I was looking forward to seeing her and talking about whatever came up. It was a delightful afternoon! I do love that this lifestyle sends you down paths not only to meet new people, but also, to reconnect. It’s like a new / old friend. Very cool! I have no doubt that this is the beginning of a new friendship that was germinated some 40 years ago but has lain dormant somewhere between our very different paths waiting for its time to grow. How’s that for deep?

Back to the shitty part of the day. As we were sitting outside in the shade visiting, I notice the water pump was engaging every few seconds. I looked at Champ and he quietly, almost terrified looking said, “it’s broke too.”  I knew I was shooting flames through my menopausal eyes and emitting a ton of negative energy because he looked like he wanted to run, far away and very fast. I’ve heard about pumps going bad due to non-use when you are on full hookups all the time. We use ours on the road and turn it on occasionally. Apparently, the people who owned it the 12 years prior to us didn’t know about that or didn’t care because the regular use the past week has done in a seal or diaphragm or something that is causing it to lose pressure and groan every 10 seconds or so. Not good for someone who has trouble staying asleep and is… did I mention having a very bad day and ready to commit menopausal murder or at least property damage.

I ponder if menopause and full-time RV living are compatible. Maybe it is recommended that women navigate that part of their life before trying this. My rational mind says, tomorrow all this stuff will roll off me. We’ll order a new water pump, fix the generator so it will run next time we need it. The sun will come up and life will sail along. I am trying really hard not to maim my husband as he sits casually 12 feet away with no estrogen, watching TV and knowing he will fix the crap that broke today. He won’t make eye contact with me, little wonder why. This day in this life has been weird and frustrating and very joyous all at once. Way too many emotions for me to process tonight. I’ll write about the receding water tomorrow and hope the devil that is ‘the change’ is back in the bottle tomorrow.

[caption id="attachment_1023" align="alignleft" width="225"] Orange, kale, other grees, berries , chia seed and brazil nuts. Pre-smoothing form just add coconut milk and hit the button for a glass of green goo.[/caption]

When I get up my blender full of stuff will be in the fridge and I’ll decide then whether to blend it up and drink it or throw it out and start over. It may look pretty nasty by then.

Until tomorrow…



  1. Hey, Gal. Menopause is only a slight detour on the road of life. You'll be back in heavy traffic soon enough. Just look at all the old ladies/grannies still around. They all made it thru the detour !!
    But, know the heat, a new diet (no daily beer !!!), essential-to-comfort parts of your Home on Wheels crapping out, the floods causing changes in your daily routine - none of it helps with the mood changes of mid-life. Hang in there - you will be a great, great, great Grandma yet !!! (from one who has survived it all)
    Hugs, dear, and love from your Aunt Pat

  2. brittandchamp@yahoo.comJuly 11, 2018 at 7:38 AM

    Have I told you lately that I Love You?
