
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 218 / 147 The Last Warm Day

Saylorville Lake 85 Degrees Humid, Windy

If you live in a 4 Season climate you are familiar with that 80-degree day that you know is probably the last one till spring. Today was that day here. These are tumultuous times here at Saylorville. The lake is rising rapidly again and threatening to encroach Volunteer Village once again. The first time in the memory of the long timers, that it has happened twice in the same year.

[caption id="attachment_1142" align="alignleft" width="225"] Judy standing in the debris field from July's flood watching the water rise today[/caption]

I spent today with Judy, working with her here at the lake. She and I spent the morning blowing off 10 miles of the bike trail that goes through here. As we rode along in the Polaris I couldn’t help but beam as she shared 18 years of memories working out here. She really loves this place.  She is 25 years my senior and everything I hope to be when we have been at this as long as she and Will have been. Every turn presented a memory. A kiosk she helped build, trees that she planted years ago, fence lines she has worked on over the years. A place where she slid of the trail in adverse conditions, years ago. The afternoon was spent in the Butterfly Gardens with her as she shared her vision for next year with me as we worked on cleaning out some of the leggy, bent over annuals that have run their course for the season. We watched the Monarchs and dreamed of what different areas can look like next year with some work. This afternoon, when I came home, I took advantage of the warm afternoon to unpot some of the annuals that will be killed by frost in the next couple of days. I am down to two pots on the patio, several things moved inside, that will go with us in a few weeks and many of the lawn ornaments put away. Better to do it today. A cold front is coming tonight, and the remnants of Hurricane Rosa will arrive with heavy rain over the weekend. Cold and wet is the forecasted theme for October 2018 in Iowa. Not unlike April. Champ decided this evening that it was time to take the motorcycle to his brothers 40 miles north of here. It was a nice evening ride for him. Anytime after tonight promises to be cold and wet.

People are starting to pull out of Volunteer Village for warmer climates. Two are gone and two more will leave this weekend. Another two couples will leave mid-month and we will pull out the day before we leave to go on our trip to the Dominican Republic late this month. The motor home will sit at a relative’s house, far from the flood waters that will revisit here. Our little house will be safe, and the cats will be cared for while we bask in the tropical sun on the beach for 6 days with our old group.

Time is winding down quickly. The excitement for our tropical vacation is building along with our anxieties about leaving everyone for 5 months. I spent yesterday with my good friend Joyce, all the while knowing it was likely the last ‘play date’ of this year. Every time I see my kids or grandkids, I hug them a little longer and a little tighter knowing the season is winding down. There is a long list of visits that we hope to get in before we pull out for the winter on the 31st. Starting with our grand-daughter Nora, spending the night this weekend.

The rain is beginning to drum on the roof. It will likely continue more or less steadily for the next several days. The water at Saylorville will rise. There are several feet of water on the parking lot where I stood to take my picture for the last post. My big question is where are they going to dry dock all the house boats that are still on their buoys in the marina? The dry docking lots are under water and winter will be here before we know it. I won’t be around to see the solution.  I’ll have to look forward to the stories about it when we return next spring. Already a slide show of 2018 at Saylorville is starting to scroll in my mind. I’m looking forward to putting it together for next time.

Until then…


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