
Monday, October 15, 2018

Day 230 / 135 Early Winter

Saylorville Lake – 35 Degrees Sleet and Rain and Snow

We are sitting in the front Campground Attendant’s site here at Cherry Glen, our assigned site upon being moved out of Volunteer Village last week. This was the last weekend for this campground for the season. As we sat and watched the sold out campground visitors dump their tanks and pull out for the last time this season we reminisced about the days when we would too, be wrapping up our last weekend. It was always a sad day each year when we unloaded and winterized our 5th wheel against the cold Iowa winter that loomed ahead. My homemade chicken soup simmered in the slow cooker all afternoon as we watched the giant snow flakes against the red and gold of the trees. It was a day to sit around inside and watch movies. Our last week here is much like our first week back in April. cold and snowy.

Last night was our last get together with our companions, Will and Judy and some of their family.  We had a beautiful 50-degree evening, with a roaring fire, Tex-Mex munchies and margaritas. As the ISU game played on the radio in the background about 4 different conversations took place simultaneously. Everything from what we look forward to next year when we come back, memorable moments from this season and of course a bit of razzing at the four of us for our impending exodus toward southern parts while our north dwelling campfire companions endure the frigid temps and snow and ice. We know it won’t always be 80 degrees and sunshine but at least we won’t worry about sub-zero temps or feet of snow.

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By 3:30 this afternoon, the campground was empty, the guard-house was closed up and barricades in place. Now it’s just the volunteers like us who will leave in a few days.

This time next week, we will be sitting on a beach in the Dominican Republic with our group of 13 friends and family that we have camped with over the years.  It’s a nice thing to look forward to on a cold, wet day like today. We will work tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday before we turn in our keys and say our final goodbyes for the season to the Rangers. The Jimmy Carter National Historic Site awaits. They are re-opened now after being closed a couple of days as Hurricane Michael tracked inland and crossed through that part of Georgia. I will check blogs from other volunteers we know and see how they are doing in their new winter digs or see if their plans have been changed due to extreme conditions around the country.

In the meantime, meals out with friends and family and seemingly endless errands are filling our last two weeks. Sub consciously, I think, I asked my good friend Joyce for a suitcase for our trip so I would have a reason to see her one last time before we take off for the winter.  We have had grandkids spending the night every weekend the past month and are trying to soak up all we can before the dreaded day we leave the end of the month. A warmer climate, new ‘job’ for a new agency, new corner of the country and who knows how many new friends await us for the five months we will be away.  Like fall in Iowa it is a bittersweet time of year for this full-time RV Volunteer couple.

Until next time…


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