
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Day 224 / 141 The Wind Down

Saylorville Lake 71 Degrees – Rain

The season is coming to a quick end. I don’t know what is more stunning, how fast it went or realizing how much we crammed into our 6 months in Iowa. Yet, I feel like so much has been left undone.  We are ending on the same note as we arrived on. Unseasonable weather. I’ll just say what everyone is thinking, “The weather sucks”  It has not been normal anywhere in the U.S. this past 12 months or so. It’s been a rough year in Iowa in terms of flooding, extreme heat and then the end of days like plague of giant, voracious mosquitos that won’t go away till we get a hard freeze. Iowa has had a big year for West Nile Virus with 5 fatalities and dozens hospitalized. Not the kind of records we like to see.

A thought entered my mind as I watched the Weather Channel, showing the path of Hurricane Michael as it sets it’s sites on Tallahassee Florida, due south about 125 miles from our next gig in Plains Georgia. Last year we came in on the heels of Hurricane Harvey when we worked at Goliad. I wonder if hiring us to volunteer at a park is a bad omen for a hurricane to hit?  I watch the Dominican Republic anxiously as we near our departure date for our vacation with our friends in 13 days. Our destination has been skirted by the storms and an earthquake happened at the opposite end of the island but no damage to the area where our resort is, so far. Another storm, they are calling depression # 15 is developing. Fingers crossed.

The summer has included two weddings, a retirement party, lots of hard work and hard play with friends and fellow volunteers who are more like family each year, and sleep overs with grandkids. I made a successful transition to Paleo style eating and am happy to report am following it pretty much effortlessly. I feel great! I have dumped another 15 pounds along with my migraines and stomach pain issues. My foot is healing slowly but steadily.

We will evacuate from Volunteer Village again tomorrow. Another historic first. The Village has never been evacuated for flooding twice in the same season. This time we move to a vacated contractors spot in another campground at the south end of the lake. Campgrounds are starting to close, and some seasonal volunteers have pulled out to fly south with the Pelicans. Our neighbors Pete and Rena left on September 30th for their winter digs in, you guessed it, the Florida Panhandle. They evacuated yesterday and are now in central Alabama sitting tight and hopefully high and dry. At least we only have to move a few miles down the road instead of 5 hours inland.

Our time here is coming to a fragmented end this year. As the village evacuates, our little neighborhood is being split up once again. Don and Sharon are pulling out for the year. With some serious health issues, Don has told us he will likely not be back. At 79 years old it's understandable but we are so fond of him and are sad that his time as a volunteer is coming to an end. Deb and Denny are moving into an apartment for the winter while they have extensive work done to their camper. Everyone is scattering to the wind like the falling leaves. Our village will look different next year with some new volunteers joining the team and what will likely be a huge hole left by Don, if he doesn't return. We will say our goodbyes and hope for the best. Ben and Rhonda and Pete and Rena will be in the same quadrant of the US with us this winter so we may well see them in a few months.

Here is a photographic snapshot of our summer. I left our wildlife pictures on purpose. I post plenty of them. For me this is all about the people.  It's been an adventure every day and I wouldn't trade this life for anything. The pictures both make me smile at the memories and all the new people we now call friends. The stark absence of some people also reminds me how much we didn't get done this year.


Until next time…

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