
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Day 233 / 132 That's A Wrap Folks

Saylorville Lake 60 Degrees- Brilliant Sunshine

Yesterday, we completed our last official day of work here at Saylorville Lake for the 2018 season. What a glorious day it was.  I relish every moment I get to work out here, before and after I finish my in-town job for my friend’s store.

The day started out around 38 degrees with sun. It was like my favorite state of Colorado. Cool morning, sunny, no humidity, little wind and warm afternoon. I started out the work day in 4 layers and was down to my T-shirt by early afternoon. Judy and I couldn’t have asked for a better day to clean out the last few flower beds at the Butterfly Gardens. Of the 30 or so planting areas there were 8 left that needed cleaned out. We were thrilled to have it all done before our departure. Ranger Coty showed up in the afternoon with a chain saw and helped Judy cut a bunch of invasive Mulberry trees out of the fence line.  The two of us have big plans and vision for the area for next year. We worked and talked about things we want to do next spring when we return. It’s a gardener’s thing. We are never completely satisfied. There is always something else to plant, move or change.

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Champ and Will had a nice day of stump grinding with the kind of grinder that makes the job leisurely, rather than labor intensive. Everyone basked in the bright fall sun. As the day wore on we all knew it was the end of the season. Leaving at the end of the day, meant cleaning out lockers and saying goodbyes to the Rangers. One of the ladies in the office, surprised Judy and I with a framed picture of us that I took and had emailed to one of the rangers. A very sweet and heartfelt souvenir for us to take away from this year.

With the work done, we will leave on Saturday.  After a hiatus in the Dominican Republic to take a vacation. (Yes, we still take vacations!) We are looking forward to our winter gig for National Parks in Georgia.

That’s A Wrap Folks!

Until Next Time…

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