
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Day 116 / 249

Saylorville Lake Rainy 85 Degrees

It’s been an action-packed weekend with Hunter and Isaac! It started on Thursday afternoon as soon as I got off work we headed to our daughter’s house to fetch Hunter. Thursday night was the night Bobber The Water Safety Dog, Saylorville’s mascot threw out the first pitch at the Iowa Cubs game. (Chicago’s AAA team in Des Moines) Volunteers and staff here were able to buy a block of half priced tickets and sit together behind home plate. About 24 of us went. Great times even though it drizzled for a little bit.

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Friday afternoon we went back and retrieved Hunters little brother Isaac and both boys stayed the rest of the weekend. We had a perfect night for a campfire. The boys had a great time flying paper airplanes made from the left over newspaper into the flames. “Crash and burn!”

Saturday was wash the motor home day. With sun and 80 degree temps the weather was perfect to put on swim suits and get out the pressure washer, hoses, buckets and big brushes. The boys were good help. Saturday was an outdoors day all the way. Hunter loves learning to cook so he generally picks what we have for dinner, then helps me make it. Friday, we made meatballs and spaghetti sauce (from scratch of course, I don’t cook any other way) last night was stir fry night. He loves getting to use my big knives to cut veggies. He does really well. I remember teaching his mom when she was about his age how to handle a kitchen knife. My theory was always to teach them how to do it correctly, since they are kids and prone to try it out on their own eventually when no one is looking.  We played Uno after dinner. Isaac, who is 3 ½,  is learning and won most of the games. Beginners luck didn’t make big brother too happy! The boys dropped about 8:30.

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Sunday morning before breakfast, we walked down the trail to the parking lot to see how far the water has come up since Friday afternoon and of course throw rocks in the lake. The water is up about 10 feet in 36 hours and still surging in. The rangers predict the parking lot we walked through this morning will be underwater this time next week. Lots of clean up is in our future as volunteers here. After a big breakfast and some park time, the boys will go home this afternoon, spent from a busy weekend. The couch will look pretty inviting this afternoon!

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Next on the agenda is to get our youngest son’s daughter who is also 3 ½ down here for a visit for a few days. In the meantime, we continue to wait on our AC part that I’m beginning to think will never come in and back to our summer part-time work routines. I can’t believe the July 4th holiday is just around the corner.

Until tomorrow…


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