
Friday, June 8, 2018

Day 100 / 265

Saylorville Lake Sunny – 81 Degrees HUMID!

Procrastination has never been in my wheelhouse, much to the irritation of those around me who believe it is a natural human condition rather than a flaw. However, the past couple of days, in the excitement of the week I have told myself around mid-day, when I’m usually starting to think about my blog post for the day, “I can’t focus right now, I’ll do it after dinner”.  If you follow each day you know how that went for me!  Part of my thinking is that I’m afraid it will be boring so I’m trying to come up with something to do on slow news days.

Coming off our celebration of Will and Judy’s big honor, we went out for dinner Wednesday evening with our friend Beth, who is at Saylorville for a couple of weeks. We got caught up and had a really nice dinner, completely unaware that the weather was getting dicey outside. We were in an interior dining area with no windows. My daughter called to see if we were okay and I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about till we left the restaurant to a full-out downpour and weird green skies.

[caption id="attachment_880" align="alignleft" width="300"] Joyce - Erin and I[/caption]

Thursday after work, I went to meet my friend Joyce and her daughter Erin, who just returned from a semester abroad in Malta. We had some good dark beer at the Brewery in Bondurant ( likely one of my last)  and enjoyed a slide show and stories from her trip.  I suspect Joyce, was hearing a couple of them for the first time based on her expression. I was in awe of the change in her having experienced so much international travel the past 16 weeks along with three years of college and maturing. She is a really neat young woman.

[caption id="attachment_881" align="alignright" width="300"] Eastern Meadowlark[/caption]

Today was a morning spent walking through Red Feather Prairie, with Beth who had only rode through on the bike trail. I had a chance to share it with her from my perspective and we had a great talk as I pointed out a couple of birds to her that she had never seen.  A couple of hours with a friend in the outdoors is a beautiful way to start the day.

I met with a nutritionist at Natural Grocers today, who helped me digest and organize all of the research I have been doing on the eating regimen I am about to embark on. I think it was just about the most productive informative hour I have ever spent with a professional. I came home armed with some organized thoughts, a couple of supplements, some food lists to help me shop for my new revamped pantry. the great thing about Natural Grocers, for full-time RV living, is they are nation wide. I have a sporting chance of finding one when we are nomadic during the winter months.

So, there you have it. It took all the discipline I could muster to settle my unusually disorganized mind and sit down and write. I have to admit it has been calming to write to you today. I think some days I may just post a picture with a caption. I hear they can be worth a thousand words. Hopefully it stays interesting for those who are following.

Until tomorrow…

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