
Sunday, June 10, 2018

Day 102 / 263

Saylorville Lake - Rain 70 Degrees

I love a rainy Sunday when I need to slow down.  Sunday's are a day of extremes for me. It usually leans toward extreme activity. A day of rest is not in my wheelhouse. It makes me feel behind schedule or lazy, as if being unproductive even if only for a half a day is a mortal sin.  A Sunday with rain forces me to stay inside and stay quiet, compared to my usual warp speed on days when I can be outside where I prefer to be.  Now that our lifestyle allows us to  escape blizzards, rainy days are the only thing left to stop me from working myself into a coma.

I am looking toward next  weekend and the jumping off point for my new way of eating. I have done exhaustive research on my new thoughts about what to fuel my body with and today I attended a lecture with my daughter given by a doctor who developed a version of my new style of eating, engages in it herself and passionately spoke of how it has positively impacted her journey with autoimmune illness. It was 2 hours well spent and with the rain outside I was fully engaged. If the day had been nice, I had plans to work in the Butterfly Garden this morning and probably would have been physically exhausted by the time I picked up my daughter to go to the lecture.

Her parting advice was so simply profound. No matter what kind of change you are considering it is perhaps the best four words I have heard in a long time.  "Read widely, think deeply" .  - Dr. Terry Wahls

Until tomorrow...

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