
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Day 108 / 257

Saylorville Lake – Sun 94 Degrees

We took the boat out for the first time this season. Between the cold weather on arrival in April, flooding and running around we got a late start this year.

[caption id="attachment_905" align="alignright" width="300"] Looking toward the marina cove[/caption]

The weather was ideal. There is nothing like being on the water on a hot humid summer day. You don’t even know it’s hot until you get back on land and wilt while you get the boat wiped down and covered. Since we are quartered in the same area as the boat ramp at this end of the reservoir, we load the cooler and towels at our site, take the tow straps and cover off and I ride the short ride to the ramp in the boat, since it’s my job to unload and load. This morning as we made our way down the 1/3 mile of road along the lake I sat in the seat and let the sweet smell of the purple pom-pom milkweed flowers flood my nose. The lake was sparkling and not yet busy with boat traffic at 10:30 this morning when we launched. We waited behind one boat at the ramp and less than 20 minutes from taking the cover off at our site we were headed out on the water.

With the recent heavy rains, the lake level is rising again and bringing along debris from the Des Moines River Channel, in the form of big logs and trees.  We took a slow leisurely vigilant pace as we made our way to our favorite place to anchor and relax in the water at the other end of the lake.

[caption id="attachment_906" align="alignright" width="300"] Prairie Flower Campground from the lake[/caption]

I have to say it is a fine thing working at the lake where we have done most of our boating over the years. The view from the lake sure has changed this year with all the hard work the rangers did removing over grown, invasive tree species from the shoreline and campground perimeters. It’s really cool to be on the lake and know what lurks behind the tree line. Champ is out three days a week working with the team that maintains it all. We do love it here.

We returned mid-afternoon tired from the sun yet relaxed and happy. Tomorrow we’ll celebrate Father’s Day and then the big birthday weekend will come to a close as wel look forward to the next weekend when we’ll have our 6 and 3-year-old grandsons for the weekend and who knows what adventures.

Until tomorrow…

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