
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 111 / 254

Saylorville Lake- 80 Degrees- Rain

The theme of the summer here is extreme heat or rain. We can't seem to get the cool part without torrential downpours. As a result the rivers are bank full, Saylorville is high and full of debris from the river inlet. At least it isn't snowing anymore!

In the absence of a full-time Interpretive Volunteer, Emma asked me early this spring,  if I would undertake the two weekly newsletters. Since I am working in town this summer and Champ is the primary volunteer at the lake. I was thrilled to have a way to contribute, while also working to pay for my health insurance that is off the charts due to the debacle that is Iowa politics at its absolute worst. (That talk would be a whole other blog site)

Enter, Jody Werth. If you are a full-time RV volunteer you have likely worked with or maybe even have been, a volunteer who showed up mid-game after cold calling a park to see if they needed help while you were in the area. Jody is one of those and she is a peach. A retired teacher, she is the official Interpretive Volunteer for the summer at Saylorville. . She came to me when they arrived and asked if we could work on them together. I love that she didn't just show up with and take them away from me which she certainly would have been within her right to do. Now I have a partner to collaborate with on both newsletters each week. I get to stay involved and the difficulty of gathering material while not being physically present around the park as much as I'd like to be has been solved.  She and her husband are in the process of transitioning to full-time RV life after dabbling more or less 3/4 time the past couple of years. 

I  write all the time about how I relish the relationships that develop as a result of our lifestyle. You never know who will cross your path. Jody and Rick are another one of those couples.  When Jody and I meet to hammer out the newsletters each week we also drift off onto topics that are allowing us to get to know each other on a level that goes beyond a temporary professional interaction. The bonus is they are our next door neighbors at volunteer village.

Just another day, season and person in the life of this RV Volunteer.

Until tomorrow...

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