
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day 122 / 243 The Word Is Move

Saylorville Lake, Sun – 83 Degrees at 9:30 am

One more sweltering day then a cold front will slam into us late today and this evening. Bringing with it storms and heavy rain in northern Iowa and the Des Moines River basin. Not good news for Saylorville. We got the official word from the rangers last evening that they are going to move us Sunday as soon as the circle they are going to put us in at Prairie Flower is vacant.

What’s it like you ask?  I’ve talked a lot about adaptability and this will be a true test of everyone’s wear-with-all.

This morning I walked the trail through the woods that I often take to the lake. I wanted to see how far the water had come up the trail. About half way and just before the bend that goes across the little foot bridge over the creek that the marina run off drains into I walked into the water line.

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After checking back to see how Grandpa and a slowly waking up Nora were doing, I headed down the road that leads to the boat ramp and took my daily pictures. As I walked along out of our area and down the road I took notice that the birds were particularly chatty this morning. I started to imagine what they are calling back and forth so incessantly about. Maybe like humans they congregate and talk about their situations and gossip, plan and maybe vent frustration. Then I stopped and really took note of which  birds were in front of me. I started to realize what the fuss was about. The ground feeding birds are running out of acreage to forge for food. The birds that nest and roost in low bushes or even on the ground are working their way up the trees and invading the territory of high canopy dwelling birds. That explained the territorial and warning calls I was listening to. The tree swallows who call numerous nesting boxes that are now under water are homeless now and flying about frantically annoying everyone.  I have to admit, learning what I have so far about birds, their calls and habits really made for an interesting walk this morning.

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Amid all the ruckus of watching flood water come up and wait to hear if we have to move we managed to wear out another kid this weekend. Friday was a day of outdoor time, mostly in the shade since it was hot, a trip to the town square for ice cream after dinner and getting treated to free live music at the square park and about 50 local kids to play with on the playground. After a cool shower and an episode of PJ Mask, Nora dropped like a stone about 9:15 and slept 11 hours straight. The kids tell us all the time how worn out the grandkids are when they come home from a weekend with us. Honestly, we don't do it on purpose it just kind of happens! She will go home this afternoon, and we will start packing up and preparing to move to higher ground for how long, no one knows.  In our mixed up, political, angst filled world, one thing remains constant. The power of nature cannot be negotiated with we can only bend to its will.

Until tomorrow…

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