
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Day 106 / 259

Saylorville Lake -  62 degrees - Storms

We awoke to greenish / gray stormy skies in central Iowa this morning. Adventure is definitely the key word of the day. It will get to the mid 80’s with tropical humidity today. In a few days that will seem like a cold spell. Iowans are bracing themselves for upper 90’s and high humidity the next few days.  (The AC is still waiting on a part to come in to run a full capacity, yay!)

My first adventure today was culinary. As I transition to my new food fuel, I tried my first green smoothie.  I generally love green food as long as it is in the form of a big plate of leafy greens or my favorite vegetable, steamed spinach with a little balsamic vinegar. A big glass of green goo has never looked very appetizing. It is highly encouraged with my new Paleo diet, so I gave it a whirl this morning. I watched the blender full of kale, strawberries, a little pineapple and some coconut milk reduce to a thick greenish science fiction kind of breakfast and tried to convince myself that it wasn’t radioactive waste. Kale in a smoothie is quite good! Who knew?

[caption id="attachment_895" align="alignleft" width="225"] Should have worn crocs to work[/caption]

The adventure continued when I turned the key in the door of the store where I work part time. As I entered the dark store I heard the distinct sound of water running. It sounded like a horse peeing on the floor. As I worked my way to the back of the store to get to the lights, I found the culprit. The good news is, there wasn’t a quarter horse trapped in the ISU section relieving itself. However, the storms overnight found a weak spot in the flat roof of the building and water was running like a faucet through the sheetrock into the ISU kids clothing section. Not a call I was excited about making to my friend who owns the store and isn’t really a morning person to start with.

Today is my last day of work for the week. The best part of this wonderful vagabond, semi-retired life is I don’t have to worry about any of it after 3:00 pm today. I can go enjoy my birthday weekend. All in all, it still beats the heck out of the adventure of the fire ants in Texas last winter. At least I didn’t take my pants off in public today!

Until tomorrow…

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