
Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 121 / 244 The Flood Cometh

Saylorville Lake - Sun- On its way to 100 Degrees

It will be oppressively hot today. Actual temps around 100 with humidity above 80%. will translate to heat indexes around 110. The flood waters continue to rise. We picked up Nora last night and will spend the next couple of days with her.

This morning we didn't have to walk far to see the water.  My trail through the woods that I like to take is now lake bottom.  The curve in the road that leads to the parking lots for the beach and boat ramp is far underwater now. When Champ put out hazard buoys with 10' chains hanging from the top of the canopies at the beach it was hard to imagine the water being that high. Now those buoys are floating. The parking lot is about 12' underwater now.  The water is up to the road on the west side now and the culvert is diverting flood waters into the timber behind us. Judging from the strong smell of skunk this morning I imagine many have been run out of their dens. It is really interesting watching it come up from day to day. They are still saying we should stay dry in volunteer village, although it will be at our back door. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story again today.

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Until tomorrow...

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