
Friday, June 1, 2018

Day 93 / 272

Saylorville Lake Sunny 92 Degrees

We have AC again, sort of.  The bitch about electrical machines is that when one component goes bad it often makes other components week and you start this domino effect of failures. New compressor fan motor went back in,  they fired up the AC and after about 3 minutes, the second phase of the compressor crapped out. Sigh…. The good news is while we wait to have that piece fixed, Zack worked is HVAC magic, bypassed the second phase and it is running in first stage. Since I scared Champ into buying the table top unit last week, between the two cooling units, the motor home is comfortable. We are making progress. The best news is we will have highs in the upper 70's for a few days after we bake one more day today.

In case you haven’t noticed from my stories, being full-time is sort of like being retiring. Instead of sitting in the lawn chair lazing one’s way through one’s golden years, we often get busier than ever!  Summers are like that for us when we are back among friends and family. The weekends are filling up quickly. I have a day off my part time job today and am like an ant scurrying around getting little tasks done. Now that the RV isn’t 90 degrees inside I’m working on the laundry that has piled up considerably, despite doing a giant bachelor’s load at my daughters last weekend.

My other task is over hauling my pantry in preparation for my upcoming food intake changes. Champ is outside installing the hitch we bought for my Equinox, so we can move our pontoon boat around without borrowing trucks from friends and family. That was a change we still hadn’t addressed since selling the truck that pulled our 5th wheel before we bought the motor home last fall.

I am looking forward to my friend’s daughter returning  from her semester abroad in Malta. I have known this kid since she was 3 and still can’t get my head around the idea that she is an adult who can enjoy a glass of wine with me while she tells me all about her 4-month life altering adventure. With 2 weddings, a tropical vacation and countless weekends with grandkids spending the night ahead, I am really getting in the swing of what will be a lightening fast summer before we leave in late October.

Back to my self-imposed honey-do list.

Until tomorrow…

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