
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Day 92 / 273

Saylorville Lake Sunshine 90 Degrees

“Let there be singing from the fruited plains!” Someone I worked with used to say that, much to my amusement, every time he received good news. It still cracks me up. Yesterday when Zack contacted me to tell me he had our AC Compressor Fan motor and would be down today to put it in I couldn’t help  hearing Jim's voice in my head.

Our adventure is going to take a turn beginning the middle of this month. Long story short after 15 years of chronic digestive issues that seem to puzzle the main stream medical community because they can’t fix me with their drugs, I launched into full-blown research mode with a literal fire in my belly, I decided to dive into the world of Paleo eating.  I am a research, plan, execute kind of person, who generally exhausts the people around me when I am in execute mode. What does this have to do with living full-time in the RV? Ironically, the fact that we are full-time makes it kind of cool, since at the root (pun intended) of hunter/ gatherer type eating is locally sourced, in-season foods.  With our nomadic lifestyle, I will enjoy a variety of foods on levels that those who live in-situ miss out on if they engage in this way of eating. I will eat like a modern-day nomadic cave woman!

[caption id="attachment_861" align="alignleft" width="300"] I will miss you![/caption]

I picked June 16th  to start the initial 30 day meal plan to get the hang of it. "Why?",  you ask? Because my birthday is June 15th and I want to say a final farewell to my beloved Stout Beer that I will have to give up, since all grains are off-limits. The cool part? I love vegetables and cook almost everything from scratch.  As I researched, I realized, I am already about 70% in compliance with the ideology . Champ is another story, he eats grains by the ton, but has agreed to go along with me for the first 30 days. I can see the righteous fear in his eyes as he listens to me talk about not eating things like Oreos,  bread and macaroni and cheese. With my powers of persuasion fully engaged, I have gently shown him pictures of the prepared meals, pointing out the similarities to what I currently set in front of him at dinner. There is even a way to make dessert for him.   I have shown him some data about why he may be experiencing chronic reflux and enlarged prostate symptoms. He hates taking pills and the thought of being able to possibly get off of both his meds is the proverbial carrot on the end of the stick (yep, another pun it’s that kind of day) that has convinced him to try without too much strong arming from me.

Don’t worry, I won’t muddle my blog with Paleo zeal. It’s just what is on my mind today as I write.  It has occurred to me I could probably launch a whole new blog on this topic, but I don’t have the energy for that. I have never been one to clog my Facebook news feed with pictures of my dinner, so if you get to this through FB don’t worry about that either. Back to my new cookbooks!

Until tomorrow…

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