
Friday, May 4, 2018

Day 65 / 300

Saylorville Lake Sunny 78 Degrees

The sun came up today and the universe feels a little more aligned than it has the past few days. The thing about unexpected repairs in this life is you create the same mess fixing the issue, but it occurs in a much smaller space. We got our new fridge this morning thanks to our son-in-law helping pick it up and get it into the motor home. Our site and the inside of the motor home looked like a bomb went off most of the day.

Today was mine and my friend Joyce’s day to go greenhouse hopping and lunch. What a glorious day it was to be at a greenhouse. Gardener’s with cabin fever and aching green thumbs were out in droves. All of us euphoric about finally getting  outside to ruin our manicure and start growing stuff! It is by far the happiest shopping experience that I engage in. Doing it with my good friend makes it all the sweeter.

When we returned to my site, that was looking a bit like a salvage yard with multiple projects incomplete, the new refrigerator was inside, Champ had just finished installing the ice maker and was getting ready to start modifying the space to fit this unit. We were on deck to pick up our grandson Hunter at school today so I left him again. I got to spend a couple of good one on one time with Hunter and then it was back to the homestead to a brand new refrigerator, making ice and all my food back in one place. As ambivalent as I was with the unexpected expense of buying a new one, I really love our new refrigerator. We had a nice residential refrigerator in our 5th Wheel and I have missed it since buying the motor home. One less thing to miss about my beloved Montana.

[caption id="attachment_772" align="alignright" width="300"] Baltimore Orioles are back![/caption]

The day kept getting better, as we sat on the patio relaxing and having a beer before dinner, I heard the distinct song of the Baltimore Oriole adding another layer of complexity to the symphony of calls in the timber behind our site. I ran for the camera of course and got my binoculars out and let my beer get warm while I gawked at the Oriole serenading his mate and as a bonus saw my first Rose Breasted Grosbeak of the season.

[caption id="attachment_773" align="alignleft" width="300"] Rose Breasted Grosbeak[/caption]

Being a firm believer in the law of averages, the blissful day I had today, leveled the previous four days that have been trying, to say the least. In a world going crazy with extreme politics and madmen driving the crazy train, it is nice to just sit and listen to the birds and look at the woods awaken from the long Iowa winter.

Until tomorrow…



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