
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Day 91 / 274 Annie & Buster

Saylorville Lake – Cloudy 85 Degrees

After some much-needed rain, we woke up to 67 degrees this morning. The coolest we have been in over 10 days. It will be a muggy 85 today but I’ll take it. The portable AC and two blowers should be pretty effective today. I’m hopeful the central air will be going again by the end of he week.

[caption id="attachment_273" align="alignleft" width="300"] Hanging out by the Arkansas River[/caption]

I haven’t written about the cats in a while. A lot of people ask how they are doing with our AC predicament during this early season heat wave. They’re uncomfortable, just like us but hanging in there. I am glad I have conditioned them to be comfortable being outside on a tether. The RV is at its hottest, which is to say you don’t have to turn on the pan to melt butter for cooking, from about 2pm – 8pm when the sun is high in the sky and beating down on the west side where all the big windows are. Thankfully our patio faces east, so by that time of day it is shaded. We move to the patio with a fan moving things around and the cats lounge in the grass and shade at the back of the lot. Like us they are drinking a lot of water and lying around like slugs but we’re all getting through it just fine.

They travel well these days. They have decided sitting in the stairwell while on the move is their safe place. I put a blanket on the bottom step for them thinking the soft padding would be more comfortable for them and they moved to the next step up! Cats, they’re so damned hard to please. They get their exercise these days running laps back and forth through the motor home at 3:30 in the morning. Like a fan running in the room,  their pre dawn romp is a sound we’ve gotten used to and we don’t usually wake up unless one of them runs across our face or stomach.

We would like to thing they are happy traveling with us, like yesterday when Buster narrowly missed catching a bird that made the mistake of landing within his tether radius. That would have made him happy. They act like they still love us, but maybe that’s just because they know they need our coveted thumbs to open their cat food container.

Until tomorrow…

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