
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Day 66 / 299

Saylorville Lake Sunny 79 Degrees

There’s something about spring in the Midwest that is special. Maybe it is because is so hard to believe it will come after the brutality of winter here and usually, a long cold wet March and April. Spring is so hard to define by the calendar dates in this part of the country. On March 20th the official start, it is rarely warm and snow storms, usually big ones, are quite common. On June 21st, the official first day of summer, heat is well in place and it normally hasn't felt springlike in several weeks. Spring is fleeting at best, but oh so beautiful.

Spring in Texas is kind of like waking up from an afternoon nap. Things haven’t been asleep long if at all and after a few short weeks of cool weather everything goes back to normal. You barely notice anything has changed it is so subtle compared to a Midwest spring.

[caption id="attachment_777" align="alignleft" width="300"] Just Opened[/caption]

There are two things I really love about spring. My absolute favorite is the unique color of light, bright green the leaves of northern deciduous trees have when they first open. You don’t see that particular color anywhere else in nature and it only lasts a few days before the leaves start to darken. Put that against a brilliant blue sky on a clear spring day and it is the best color in the world. There is something pure and crisp and clean about it. Like spring weather, the condition is short-lived, so I savor it.

[caption id="attachment_778" align="alignleft" width="300"] Facing the camera, Hunter fielding the ball[/caption]

The other is baseball. It is the only sport I truly like to watch, and my daughter’s oldest boy started playing this year. I am going to love spending the summer going to little league games. I went to my first one today and had such a great time watching those little guys start to learn the game. Hunter is a natural athlete, and I look forward too watching him develop of the next several summers.

Today, is one of those days that sounds like a typical day of anyone else who has grandkids, likes to be outside and has time to savor life. Maybe the answer today is, “In a lot of ways, it’s not that much different from the old life”

Until tomorrow…

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