
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Day 62 / 303 Stormy Weather

Saylorville Lake – Stormy 65 Degrees

[caption id="attachment_758" align="alignright" width="200"] Lightning strike, blew limbs off and sent bark 50' away[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_757" align="alignright" width="200"] Lightning exit through trunk and out the bottom[/caption]

As I sat at my dining room table doing some computer work this morning a lightening strike louder than I’ve heard in years hit nearby. It shook the motor home. Both cats were sleeping peacefully on the floor nearby and both came straight off the floor then looked at me in the way only a cat can like “Do you mind keeping it down?” With that unexpected event, my topic today came to life.

What’s it like? Well, during stormy weather, it can be downright scary. Having grown up in the Midwest we are no strangers to severe thunderstorms, straight line winds, large hail and tornadoes. When you live in a house with a finished basement and the weather ticker at the bottom of the TV screen scrolls almost non-stop this time of year with weather warnings, one becomes very desensitized. A quick cure for that is to live in your RV during tornado season.

We are all vulnerable to severe weather. As a full-timer it becomes more important to scope out your closest shelter. It takes a lot of wind and force to tip over the big rigs of today, but they are still no place to ride out a bad storm.

I wouldn’t say I live in fear of the weather just because we don’t have a basement and footings to hold the house in the ground. We are a lot more vigilant, however, when we know weather is about to turn nasty. We pay more attention and make sure we know where to go if the situation calls for it. When we travel we watch the forecast closely.  This morning was a stark reminder that lightening can also be very dangerous when you live in a fiberglass box with miles of wire just a ½" behind the thin paneling that separates you from the elements. Stay safe out there!

Until tomorrow…

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