
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Day 80 / 285

Saylorville Lake Raining 72 Degrees

One of my favorite sayings is " Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good." That applies today on several counts.

[caption id="attachment_823" align="alignright" width="225"] Working on my ball field tan[/caption]

We went to watch Hunter's baseball game this morning in beautiful 80 degree sunshine. His 10:00 am game was over by noon and long before the rain that is falling now was due to be here. it's cool to watch kids succeed at things when they are young. It's double cool to watch your kids watch their kids having success. I don't think there is a better feeling. Hunter had two RBI's this morning and fielded a ball at short stop and tagged a kid out at  second base.



[caption id="attachment_824" align="alignleft" width="225"] Isaac 'driving' grandpa to the store[/caption]

His little brother Isaac who is three is spending the night solo with us. We're getting some fun one-on-one with him the next 24 hours.

The other lucky thing is the weather is cooling off for the next few days. The guy came to look at our AC and we'll have it going again in a few days after he runs down a part. Some electrical bugaboo that I can't begin to understand and don't want to, I'll leave it to the experts to fix it. In the meantime I thank my lucky stars that we aren't in the middle of a spurt of 90 degree weather. Hot weather is in the forecast soon, so I'll cross my fingers that we have AC back by then.  Luck is on our side this week!

Until tomorrow...

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