
Friday, May 18, 2018

Day 79 / 286

Saylorville Lake  Sunny 85 Degrees

It's a two steps forward one giant step back kind of day.

Last winter i had a flash drive with 6 years of family history. Over 2500 pictures gone, poof! On a long shot I took the flash drive to a computer repair place staffed by what looked like 12-year-old geniuses. I got word today that they were able to recover off of my files. I can take my newly purchased external hard drive in and they will copy them. I feel like they literally raised the dead. They said to me there are two kinds of people. "Those who back up and those who will start backing up." Redundancy is something I work hard to keep out of my life. I guess it's a good idea in the world of data and photo storage. Lesson learned.

[caption id="attachment_819" align="alignleft" width="225"] Looking like summer[/caption]

We also got the boat brought to our summer home, and I have my lettuce garden fenced in so I actually get to eat the lettuces instead of feeding the bunnies. I spent the morning with my friend Joyce getting to accompany her to the greenhouse and landscape designer who is helping her with an area of her yard. I watched in awe as they discussed what to plant where and we left with a back-end full of new perennials. Only a fraction of what she will plant over the summer.  I get to go help her put them in next week. My butterfly bed is also ready to plant over at the Butterfly Garden's here at the lake. My green thumb is singing this afternoon.

Then wha-wha- wha the damned AC  quit again. Full-timers like us can deal with most things, no AC in a fiberglass box sitting in the sun is something to fear.  I am waiting in angst for my former co-worker to get back to us and tell us when he can come back. We were fearful this would happen. When it doesn't fail for the repair guy they can't do much, which is what happened last month when he was out. It was cooling fine till it stopped today. Hot weather is coming and soon. So I wait and hope the compressor still has some life in it. To know me is to know I don't wait well.

Little Miss Nora will be here soon with her folks for a short visit after their day at the Des Moines Zoo. That should cheer me up. In the meantime my patio is much cooler than my livingroom. Looks like a nice evening outside is the plan because it's 82 in the shade out here with a breeze and 90 inside with air not moving much.

Until tomorrow...

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