
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Day 74 / 291 Mother's Day

Saylorville Lake - Rainy 62 degrees

It's Mother's Day today. When people travel a lot they miss many holidays with loved ones. We are no exception. Christmas, usually Easter and several winter birthdays happen in our absence from Iowa. Mother's Day is a deeply engrained tradition with our kids and is now a major event for us in terms of getting all the kids together, usually for the first time since our arrival from our southern winter digs.

Champ cooks for all of us. He always does a good job. For me being a gourmet cook and watching the process is about like if he had to watch me service the motor home. I have mechanical skills and could get the job done but he would lose his mind watching me muddle through the process and take approximately 12 times as long as he could do it in. It's the same experience for me watching him cook Mother's Day brunch for 24!  This morning I started a fire in the ring, took my Sunday NYT Crossword and went outside.

The kids and their spouses came with most of the grandkids and we feasted, visited, tended the fire and even came up with some Morrells from the timber behind us. The rain came again around 1 PM and we crowded inside, not unlike holidays at his parents small home many years ago.

The best part of this day was finding out that my oldest grandson, Cody and his girlfriend are getting married on my birthday next summer in the very same park where I married his grandpa 16 years ago. She asked if we would be here for it. Of course we will! I was thrilled! Of all the things we miss in this full-time life I am so glad we will be in Iowa for that one.

Today was for the kids. There are many women in my life who have shaped the woman I became and continue to influence me. I didn't see them but they were not far from my heart as I celebrated with my daughter, daughter's in-law, granddaughter-in-law to be and Jp's mother who I consider a friend. Happy Mother's Day to all across the miles.

Until tomorrow...


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