
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Day 77 / 288

Saylorville Lake -Sunny 60 degrees on its way to 85 Degrees

Just like that, two days went by and I haven’t seen my blog homepage.  I wondered to myself when I decided to chronicle a year how many times this may happen. Normally I am doing this in the early evening. Today I am sitting here at 6am knowing the day is going to get away from me again.

[caption id="attachment_813" align="alignleft" width="236"] My week[/caption]

Sometimes the old life and mindset creeps back into our mostly relaxed lifestyle. This is one of those weeks. My contribution to Saylorville this season is writing the two newsletters that go out weekly. My deadline is noon each Wednesday.  I just turned in my third week last night. My routine is to go around the lake taking my pictures and interviewing people over the weekend. I spend Monday and Tuesday getting things put together and ready to go. This Monday after a very busy weekend, I was driving to my part-time job with my laptop in my bag anticipating a very quiet day in the retail world and time to work on it. Instead I got a text saying that they had hired a new person over the weekend and I would be training her this week. There went my well laid plans to keep my head above water with my writing commitments. Training is exhausting. I managed to get the newsletters done on time but the blog slipped off the plate for a couple of days.

I wonder if I can keep it interesting for a year. I do have some things to share and will do that beginning tomorrow. If you scroll down you can leave a comment, if you want to know something specific I can write about it. Or just leave a comment. Many follow me through their Facebook news feed. If you are shying away from Facebook like many are now, you can follow me below by leaving your email. You’ll get a notification when a new post is put up.

For now, please accept my tripping over my crowded schedule this week, I'll  get back on pace. As for me I am headed to the patio to do my morning yoga practice outside in the morning sunshine with the sounds of the timber behind us.    ~Namaste

Until tomorrow…. (I’ll be here)


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