
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Day 36 / 329

Oklahoma City, OK Sunny 67 degrees

Answer # 36 Mother Nature Always Wins.

Dodging weather is a game of cat and mouse for snow birds making their way back north this time of year. I remember in my banking years snow bird customer's moods varied widely based on the weather in early April. There were the lucky few who had no real obligation to return and never showed up before May 1st to come in and do their change of address.

We looked at the weekend forecast for various cities between Sanger, Texas and Leavenworth KS (our Friday destination)  this morning and decided OKC was as far north as we dared to venture until the weekend storms pass.  We toyed with doing a 12 hour marathon day and driving straight to Des Moines to set up in our summer home and endure whatever the weather dealt,  knowing we were home. We quickly came to our senses and decided to prolong our arrival at home and move in stages as the latest  spring arctic blast bears down on the midwest. Luckily the park in Leavenworth can accommodate us Sunday and Monday so we still get to see family on the way home albeit a couple of days later than planned.  It's not going to be beach weather here  but at least the lowest low will stay in the 20's and we'll be back above freezing in a few hours instead of a few days. No matter what it does here, it's all relative when it comes to spring weather in the midwest.

We're taking advantage of our 3 days in OKC. We'll tour the Memorial tomorrow. I was there when they first opened years ago but have not seen the finished product. Champ has never seen it.  We went to watch the horse races tonight, enjoying an evening outside and even won some money. Tomorrow night and Saturday will probably be movies and chili in the great indoors of the motor home in the RV Park with a bunch of other snowbirds waiting out the weather up north.

We know people who refuse to come back to Iowa before April 15th.  Arrival home in the spring is an internal battle between the desire to be back with the kids and the desire to be warm. Nobody wins this year!

Until tomorrow...

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