
Monday, April 16, 2018

Day 47 / 318

Saylorville Lake- Partly Sunny 38 degrees (30 degrees below normal)

I listen to people complain about all the stuff they have to fix on their RV’s all the time as if they are supposed to be infallible. The fact is, they are a bit fragile. They may have residential refrigerators and high-end entertainment components, but those things have a hard life bumping down the interstate, especially through Oklahoma! Brick and mortar houses don’t move.

We have a list of things to do to the motor home this summer while we are in place for 6 months. This morning we woke up to 25 degrees and sun. We dragged ourselves out into the frozen tundra and went to Menards to look at new flooring. This unit is 12 years old and the carpet needs to go. We decided that the first time we looked at it. I’ve read a number of blog posts about replacing flooring, learning from others’ trial and error. We’ll do some posts about our own experience, tearing out the old carpet and linoleum and putting vinyl through the whole unit.

We also decided, new shocks are on the list this summer along with some basic preventative maintenance that is likely due if the previous owners weren’t diligent in that department. If the evidence left behind of their housekeeping skills were any indication, I’ll guess they weren’t.

[caption id="attachment_709" align="alignleft" width="300"] American Pelicans[/caption]

After our morning outing to scope out materials for all our planned projects, we decided to enjoy the balmy 38- degree afternoon and take a walk down the bike path to the marina. We were treated to active American Pelicans and American Coots. I love when the Pelicans migrate. I am amazed that a bird who looks so big and clumsy on the water is such a graceful flyer. I can’t wait for a warm morning to get up to the north end of the lake and check out all the migrating shorebirds and waterfowl.  The Saylorville mudflats are something like an interstate truck stop for birds to feed and rest on their long trek north.

Plans with family and friends are starting to take shape. Let the summer season begin!  If the weather would figure out it’s malfunction, we’d be in business.

Until tomorrow…



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